NASA opfert Plasmainstrument bei 12 Milliarden Meilen, um Voyager 2 länger leben zu lassen


  1. NASA has turned off the plasma science instrument on the Voyager 2 spacecraft to conserve its dwindling power supply. Voyager 2, which is over 12.8 billion miles from Earth, continues to operate with four other science instruments as it explores interstellar space.

    The plasma instrument, which measures electrically charged particles, had been crucial in determining that Voyager 2 left the heliosphere in 2018. Despite this shutdown, the spacecraft is expected to continue its mission with at least one operational instrument into the 2030s.

  2. we really need alien invaders asap so military industrial complex start invest in space instead of pointless wars on earth

  3. OptimusSublime on

    I don’t understand why they can’t cycle the instruments. Turn it off for a month then switch it back on while another instrument hibernates.

  4. AintSayinNotin on

    The ONLY thing I want to know is what kind of comm protocol they’re using to communicate with a satellite 12 Billion miles away. Cause we need that tech. I lose service every time I go into a building in NYC!!! 😅

  5. Never thought that tool in Kerbal Space Program was real. I’ve sent that thing all across the cosmos. 🤣

  6. Holdmybeerwatchthis on

    This is like a scene from a gundam anime, when they power down all the unnecessary systems to divert all power to the main weapon and take out the bad guy, self sacrificing in the process.

    “But sir if you turn off your life support to power the giga cannon you’ll burn all your fuel and wont be able to reboot.”

    “You don’t think I didn’t know that GYYAHHHHH”


    *Smashes button*

    *Epic finisher track starts playing*

  7. Drwargasmic on

    Crazy they can still control anything that far away. How long does the signal take to reach voyager

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