UNESCO-Erbe trifft auf Schwarz Gruppe: Einkaufen im Palast aus dem 13. Jahrhundert in Split


Von paskatulas

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  1. paskatulas on

    In the heart of Split, within a UNESCO World Heritage Site, there’s a grocery store (Spar – Schwarz Gruppe) unlike any other. Located on the ground floor of the 13th-century noble Papalić Palace, it’s part of the “Historic Split with Diocletian’s Palace” complex, right in the city’s old town.

    Although the palace was designated as a UNESCO site in 1979, its ground floor remained privately owned, [which allowed the store to open in 2014](https://www.tportal.hr/vijesti/clanak/nova-splitska-atrakcija-supermarket-pod-zastitom-unesco-a-20140404). Locals were surprised, but authorities couldn’t prevent it.

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