Der einsame Wladimir Putin wird 72, als Geburtstagskarten eintrudeln


  1. I’m sure Prigozhin and satan are good at parties for his ilk.

    Hitler should be in hell too, waiting to greet him. Just follow your leader, putler.

  2. newswall-org on

    More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – (B-): [Putin's birthday: Nationalists celebrate the “Tsar” and “Führer”](–nationalisten-feiern-den–zaren–und–fuehrer–35123102.html)
    – Reuters (A): [‘God save the Tsar!’: Putin receives first wishes for 72nd birthday](
    – Uganda (B-): ['God save the Tsar!': Putin receives first wishes for 72nd birthday](
    – Newsweek (B-): [Vladimir Putin’s Miserable Birthday](

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  3. theabsurdturnip on

    There are many without birthdays because of this piece of shit.

  4. HoracePinkers on

    Hope he likes my ricin laced birthday card. I put $1 in it to make sure only he has access to it.

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