I’d rather see him rot in jail for the rest of his life, death seems like too easy of a way out, but can’t complain too much if that is true considering it was always a possibility he would be able to live out his days in freedom in Russia if things had gone a bit differently.
onlineseller8183 on
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy!
CutRepresentative197 on
Bad karma at work….
Metron_Seijin on
Knew it would happen eventually. Shame. He would have made a great witness in the Hague, after his own trial.
Jazzlike_Comfort6877 on
“Died from heart attack caused by that knife”
Acceptable-Bags on
Consolation prize here is that if he died in prison, either by suicide or murder, he would have known it was coming and wouldn’t have been quick or peaceful.
RRZ31 on
So basically girkin was the self proclaimed leader of the DPR and aided Putin in the annexation of Donbas back in 2014 and is a total piece of human shit? And so Putin had to get rid of him after criticizing him?
MadReefer42 on
faceless_anonymous on
I was pleased to see this news, but I tried looking for additional sources to confirm and couldn’t find any official confirmation on Girkin dying.
I’m jut going to assume he is still locked up in Russian prison which is fine by me, let him rot in prison and if he does meet his end while incarcerated then all the better.
grafx187 on
i miss sad girkin
InternationalHall120 on
He fell out of a ground-story window. The body was almost unrecognizable.
luv2fly781 on
Again ???
asdhjasdhlkjashdhgf on
below the line probably reads like this: useful idiot met another useful idiot who wanted to show his loyalty to putler by leading example.
Or apart from his war crimes, he was very successful in dragging ru into an untenable scenario in which multiple republics seek a way out of the federation because his way of separatism proofed staying in the federation even as separate republic is deadly.
BainbridgeBorn on
snake eating itself
thewabberjocky on
The jailings will continue until morale improves
Error_404_403 on
This means a strike against FSB. Their colonel, just for having largish mouth, was imprisoned and very likely murdered?
He is very likely a victim of a serious undercarpet war going on in Russia top echelons. He annoyed Army to no end. Does it mean army getting the upper hand in competition with FSB? Navalny was very likely the FSB job. Is this a payback moment?..
Firm_Shame_192 on
It’s death announcement number 300, I think 🤔
His wife will share some information then, like he promised. Can’t wait
earthforce_1 on
A foundering dictator throwing his own under the bus.
southpolefiesta on
Reasonable-Rain-7474 on
Looks like girkin found himself in a pickle.
Sozebj on
If true, it didn’t take long. Kind of a preemptive Prygoshin strike.
campbellsimpson on
Karma catches up with you. Girkin/’Strelkov’ will burn in hell for his role in MH17.
I’d rather see him rot in jail for the rest of his life, death seems like too easy of a way out, but can’t complain too much if that is true considering it was always a possibility he would be able to live out his days in freedom in Russia if things had gone a bit differently.
Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy!
Bad karma at work….
Knew it would happen eventually. Shame. He would have made a great witness in the Hague, after his own trial.
“Died from heart attack caused by that knife”
Consolation prize here is that if he died in prison, either by suicide or murder, he would have known it was coming and wouldn’t have been quick or peaceful.
So basically girkin was the self proclaimed leader of the DPR and aided Putin in the annexation of Donbas back in 2014 and is a total piece of human shit? And so Putin had to get rid of him after criticizing him?
I was pleased to see this news, but I tried looking for additional sources to confirm and couldn’t find any official confirmation on Girkin dying.
I’m jut going to assume he is still locked up in Russian prison which is fine by me, let him rot in prison and if he does meet his end while incarcerated then all the better.
i miss sad girkin
He fell out of a ground-story window. The body was almost unrecognizable.
Again ???
below the line probably reads like this: useful idiot met another useful idiot who wanted to show his loyalty to putler by leading example.
Or apart from his war crimes, he was very successful in dragging ru into an untenable scenario in which multiple republics seek a way out of the federation because his way of separatism proofed staying in the federation even as separate republic is deadly.
snake eating itself
The jailings will continue until morale improves
This means a strike against FSB. Their colonel, just for having largish mouth, was imprisoned and very likely murdered?
He is very likely a victim of a serious undercarpet war going on in Russia top echelons. He annoyed Army to no end. Does it mean army getting the upper hand in competition with FSB? Navalny was very likely the FSB job. Is this a payback moment?..
It’s death announcement number 300, I think 🤔
His wife will share some information then, like he promised. Can’t wait
A foundering dictator throwing his own under the bus.
Looks like girkin found himself in a pickle.
If true, it didn’t take long. Kind of a preemptive Prygoshin strike.
Karma catches up with you. Girkin/’Strelkov’ will burn in hell for his role in MH17.
Lovely news