In den sozialen Medien tauchen Dutzende Videos auf, die zeigen, wie russische Drohnen Zivilisten in Cherson angreifen, und die russischen Streitkräfte veröffentlichen diese Angriffe stolz im Internet.


  1. Unfortunately, it will be more of the usual.

    Some hand wringing, some politicians claiming they are shocked, some folk demanding justice…

    …But ultimately, nothing happens. And as there’s no consequence to speak of, that would stifle such behaviour – then in these primitive minds – there’s no reason to stop.

    Inaction is what bullies love and what drives them to continue being bullies. This is what happens when they have guns.

  2. IndistinctChatters on

    It’s like the russians are using the civilians in Kherson as training ground.

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