Minister fordert Entschuldigung, nachdem Poilievre ihr vorwirft, sich den „Hamas-Anhängern“ anzuschließen


  1. AdditionalServe3175 on

    > After a few questions from other opposition parties, Poilievre again rose and accused Joly specifically of refusing to condemn antisemitic chants and being interested only in replacing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as leader of the Liberal Party.

    I wish. She would do a hell of a better job than either Trudeau or Poilievre, or Singh.

    Poilievre still hasn’t learned that there are times when it is inappropriate to use cynical politicking to try and grab a soundbite. He still comes across as grossly inauthentic when he isn’t speaking at a political rally.

  2. Cogito-ergo-Zach on

    Are Canadians really accepting that this kind of back and forth exchange is the new normal for our politics? Yikes.

  3. lifeisarichcarpet on

    She’s not going to get one because Poilievre doesn’t care about her or what she thinks, about him or literally anything else.  I don’t believe for a single second that he cares about antisemitism outside of how he can leverage it politically.

    It’s been a year now and Liberals really need to realize that no matter what they do re: Israel/Palestine that the CPC are going to call them antisemites and terrorist supporters. It’s been pathetic watching Anthony Housefather get upset on social media whenever Melissa Lantsman says he hates Israel and Jews. It’s like… dude. Smarten up. It’s a game to her and there’s no way you can win.

  4. Poilievre asked a simple, direct question to the government: do they condemn the chant “there is only one solution: intifada revolution.”

    The government refused to answer, twice.

    On his third question, Poilievre called that pandering to Hamas supporters.

    With that context in mind (too long for a headline), he was completely justified. If you can’t condemn people calling for the violent destruction of Israel, on the anniversary of October 7, you either have zero ability to think on your feet, or you’re afraid of offending some really vile people.

    EDIT: Here’s a video for anyone interested. Start at 3:45:

  5. Julius_Caesar1 on

    I suspect that this is the new normal in Canadian politics. Rather than govern, and discuss real issues, it will be more identity politics, while stifling debate through accusations of racism. And the conservatives will probably accelerate this trend.

    Conservatives appear to thrive by playing identity politics, and stifling free speech by smearing others as racists.

    The Liberals look guilty by not arguing back.

  6. miramichier_d on

    I agree with Joly that Poilievre is unfit to be Prime Minister. I hate that we’re at the point in Canada where unfit persons are mere footsteps away from the highest halls of power. It’s as much a reflection of how much we’ve neglected our civic duty via cynicism. At a time where things can’t really get worse, we need to fundamentally reevaluate the electoral decisions that led to this point. There have only ever been two parties that have governed Canada since Confederation. If we truly want change, it’s not going to be through one of those parties.

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