Whoa, time-traveling to 2024 now? Hope the per capita income stats are looking good for our Asian pals!
S-Kiraly on
Horrible colour scheme that goes from dark to light and back to dark, especially when the two colours are red and green. For maps showing linear data like this, pick ONE colour and go from light to dark.
[deleted] on
GurSecret6699 on
Middle eastern country shoudnt be on this map beacause we are not asian
Turbulent-Hamster315 on
You got your numbers reversed there. It should be $5000$10,000 and $10,000 – $15,000.
EasternFly2210 on
Is Russia Asian?
Polairis44 on
I would like to see income inequality next to this.
GurSecret6699 on
When you are specifying asian countries then why is middle east here ? and even Russia ? seriously..its a euroasian country not asian and middle east has different category as well. This is inaccurate.
xXThe_RandoXx on
Add the numbers are also incorrect. Just googling the larger countries, you can see the errors
LeeNTien on
Needs median income instead to be representative of the picture there. I just cannot see how Turkmenistan, with their $200 a month median salary and massive unemployment to boot, can be that high.
Where Belarus?
Whoa, time-traveling to 2024 now? Hope the per capita income stats are looking good for our Asian pals!
Horrible colour scheme that goes from dark to light and back to dark, especially when the two colours are red and green. For maps showing linear data like this, pick ONE colour and go from light to dark.
Middle eastern country shoudnt be on this map beacause we are not asian
You got your numbers reversed there. It should be $5000$10,000 and $10,000 – $15,000.
Is Russia Asian?
I would like to see income inequality next to this.
When you are specifying asian countries then why is middle east here ? and even Russia ? seriously..its a euroasian country not asian and middle east has different category as well. This is inaccurate.
Add the numbers are also incorrect. Just googling the larger countries, you can see the errors
Needs median income instead to be representative of the picture there. I just cannot see how Turkmenistan, with their $200 a month median salary and massive unemployment to boot, can be that high.
What a shitty color gradient