Ukrainische Drohnenpiloten im Einsatz in der Region Kursk


  1. According-Try3201 on

    so much for “Ukrainians are never going to be able to keep these territories”:-D

  2. Theyre using pallets, they’re already light years ahead of russia.

  3. And their mothers scolded them before the war saying that they were stupid wasting their lives away playing useless video games all day long

  4. DrQuagmire on

    Random comment on drone warfare. We’ve been desensitizing ourselves for years with video games like Call of Duty series. These games are becoming more realistic than ever before. Some people have even posted DCS World simulations of certain situations to see what the possible outcomes would be. When reading the comments, some people actually think those particular game scenes are real on YouTube. It is click bait for sure but kids to adults have been playing these types of games for a long time. It’s like these drone toys are now weapons of war.

  5. LopsidedEmphasis6598 on

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PUTO! I hope Ukraine fires 72 FPV DRONES up your ass! And 1 for bad luck.

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