Nigel Farage von Reform zieht einen Rückzieher bei seiner Behauptung, das Sicherheitsteam des Parlaments habe ihm gesagt, er solle in Clacton keine persönlichen Operationen durchführen

Von topotaul


  1. BlackShuckChuck on

    He’s only ever represented Putin so I guess the good people of Clacton are out of luck!

  2. alextremeee on

    He probably just got confused when somebody told him he couldn’t hold surgeries in person if he’s never fucking there.

  3. FelisCantabrigiensis on

    So, lying fucker who lies often has lied again, eh?

    Also, he’s one of the main hate-stirring people in the UK and significantly responsible for the rising climate of political threats and violence in the UK today, so being precious about his own safety is hypocritical.

  4. hammer_of_grabthar on

    Just listen to the initial interview with Nick Ferrari.


    >You won’t be doing physical surgeries in Clacton?

    >Not yet.

    >Do you envisage you will eventually?

    >When Parliament allows me. *Intense stare*

    >Why is Parliament blocking you?

    >Have a guess.

    >Have you been advised for your own security not to hold surgeries?

    >I would have thought that would make sense, wouldn’t you?

    >Who has that advice come from?

    >Erm, well, you know, the speaker’s office.

    It’s hilarious the way he tries not to answer the question and let it look like it’s all Ferrari saying it, until he realises he’s got no more sly lines to try and cast the aspersion without actually saying it.

    I can’t believe that anyone who is even partially educated can listen to this bullshitter and not see through the greasy veneer.

  5. Tricky_Peace on

    He’s a snivelling little shitbag. I hope people see through the web of lies he tells

  6. How anyone can see this serial liar’s track record and conclude that he “tells it like it is” is something I will never understand.

  7. Isn’t this the exact same tactic Trump used to hide his tax returns for so long?

  8. He’s backtracking that *now*? LBC had that debunked within a day of him saying it

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