Poilievre sagt, dass die Konservativen Hill-Medien „umgehen“ und „antikonservative Voreingenommenheit“ behaupten, nachdem der Boykott von CTV News beendet wurde



  1. > https://www.readthemaple.com/election-endorsements/

    I love when conservative politicians cry Lügenpresse even though nearly every media outlet in this country explicitly endorses them at election time. It’s like they think we’re stupid, and sadly maybe we are

    Why are so many people frothing at the mouth to vote for this blatant liar?

  2. Absenteeist on

    Are conservatives still attempting to argue that Poilievre isn’t Trumpian? That today’s CPC isn’t part-and-parcel of the global conservative movement that includes everybody/everything from Trump to Brexit to Orban and beyond?

  3. BenitoAndMoose on

    The reaction to CTV still comes off as hysterics. 

     Maher got the details and the guys at CTV made a mistake, but the reaching for outrage is so far beyond anything reasonable or relevent. 

     How can conservatives still reject the whole victim complex thing as a label? e* This couldn’t be a clearer demonstration.

  4. iamtayareyoutaytoo on

    Spin everyone around in circles until they can’t tell left from right or up from down and all they have remaining to them for directions is the ‘dear leader’.

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