The result so far has been 100,000+ dead Russians, another million fleeing Putins dictatorship, an enlarged NATO and a ruble that is nearly worthless.
88rosomak on
Russia is one of the most often loosing country ever… 1856 Crimean war – lost, 1905 russo-japanese war – lost and revolution, 1917 WW1 – lost and revolution, 1920 war with Poland – lost, 1940 russo-finnish war – if you call it win… whole world is laughing till today, 1989 – afghan war lost, 1991 – cold war lost and revolution and total collapse of USSR. The only war they won in last 200 years was WW2 and only because they have changed sides because they were ally of nazi germany till 1941 and together started WW2 with attack on Poland. They won in WW2 only because they were used by Allies as a meat grinder and got incredible amount of support from lend-lease (British lost 360000 man, USA 400000 man and USSR with its primitive tactics over 23 millions). They are one of the most pathetic countries ever. And now they have lost half of their army without even touching NATO territory, and most probably in next two years they will loose another half…
SchlitterbahnRail on
Pray tell us, you vile muppet
Yeah we thought we were dealing with an actual military… XXX days into a cake walk of a invasion they blunder a dozen times. It’s like watching a guy piss on himself after getting beat up and roll around in the puddle, just confusion and sadness
autodc5 on
They understand, and they don’t care you muppet
bjornbamse on
That is correct. They assumed for the long time Russian leadership was rational.
Tobybrent on
Sure we do. You are are a murderous, kleptocrat.
phibrotic_obs on
we know its a shit , we know where he lives all his houses and we know he is a thief , a liar a bluffer and a paranoid fool , with extreemly failing ideologys and visions of grandure ,apart from that a bit of ashort plank of boring personality what more do w need to know , oh yeah wheres gerasimov ?!!
doverats on
i think we do, a fucking idiot.
rbur70x7 on
I agree with him, I wish all these cowards afraid of Russia would do more.
phibrotic_obs on
yeah ya got more issues than the eastenders and your seeth needs a tissue , never mind youlle be like sleepy joe soon, senile and ready to meet your maker for relocation to warmer climates but you wont be tsar that long now, thats for sure, because they are all coming for ya, on all sides, including your own
phibrotic_obs on
must be hard on him what with him being a thief , then getting robbed a lot of his assets only to be turned into weopons to unsurp his plans , he didnt think this one through much did he
Prudent-Proposal1943 on
>They Do Not Understand Who They Are Dealing With”
He’s got us dead to rights. If we understood just how incompetent he and everyone in Russia actually are, we would have shwacked him two years ago.
EmployerAdditional28 on
Seen it in Ukraine Vlad. Fully understood.
phibrotic_obs on
he was head of intelligence before president , that should explain everything, and why russia is the way it is , you need intellegence to be in intellegence , bt then when i see a 19 year old colonel of an armed force, it clearly wasnt gained by professional experience or intellegence, jobs for bods in the posh end familys brains not needed mafia only demand s unwavering sacrafice and loyalty to this plumb arsed swaggery poison dwarf that has to be protected
StableMatching on
Do Russian people really don’t know who(one man) they’re dealing with?
1oneaway on
Hahaha true except in a bad way for this fucking clown show
Striking-Access-236 on
Yes they know, that’s why no one is backing off…
ffdfawtreteraffds on
Bragging about being insane. Yeah, we know.
Sharpshooter188 on
These feels like a cartoon villian statement. Im waiting for him to come with “We’re not do different, you and I….”
The result so far has been 100,000+ dead Russians, another million fleeing Putins dictatorship, an enlarged NATO and a ruble that is nearly worthless.
Russia is one of the most often loosing country ever… 1856 Crimean war – lost, 1905 russo-japanese war – lost and revolution, 1917 WW1 – lost and revolution, 1920 war with Poland – lost, 1940 russo-finnish war – if you call it win… whole world is laughing till today, 1989 – afghan war lost, 1991 – cold war lost and revolution and total collapse of USSR. The only war they won in last 200 years was WW2 and only because they have changed sides because they were ally of nazi germany till 1941 and together started WW2 with attack on Poland. They won in WW2 only because they were used by Allies as a meat grinder and got incredible amount of support from lend-lease (British lost 360000 man, USA 400000 man and USSR with its primitive tactics over 23 millions). They are one of the most pathetic countries ever. And now they have lost half of their army without even touching NATO territory, and most probably in next two years they will loose another half…
Pray tell us, you vile muppet
Yeah we thought we were dealing with an actual military… XXX days into a cake walk of a invasion they blunder a dozen times. It’s like watching a guy piss on himself after getting beat up and roll around in the puddle, just confusion and sadness
They understand, and they don’t care you muppet
That is correct. They assumed for the long time Russian leadership was rational.
Sure we do. You are are a murderous, kleptocrat.
we know its a shit , we know where he lives all his houses and we know he is a thief , a liar a bluffer and a paranoid fool , with extreemly failing ideologys and visions of grandure ,apart from that a bit of ashort plank of boring personality what more do w need to know , oh yeah wheres gerasimov ?!!
i think we do, a fucking idiot.
I agree with him, I wish all these cowards afraid of Russia would do more.
yeah ya got more issues than the eastenders and your seeth needs a tissue , never mind youlle be like sleepy joe soon, senile and ready to meet your maker for relocation to warmer climates but you wont be tsar that long now, thats for sure, because they are all coming for ya, on all sides, including your own
must be hard on him what with him being a thief , then getting robbed a lot of his assets only to be turned into weopons to unsurp his plans , he didnt think this one through much did he
>They Do Not Understand Who They Are Dealing With”
He’s got us dead to rights. If we understood just how incompetent he and everyone in Russia actually are, we would have shwacked him two years ago.
Seen it in Ukraine Vlad. Fully understood.
he was head of intelligence before president , that should explain everything, and why russia is the way it is , you need intellegence to be in intellegence , bt then when i see a 19 year old colonel of an armed force, it clearly wasnt gained by professional experience or intellegence, jobs for bods in the posh end familys brains not needed mafia only demand s unwavering sacrafice and loyalty to this plumb arsed swaggery poison dwarf that has to be protected
Do Russian people really don’t know who(one man) they’re dealing with?
Hahaha true except in a bad way for this fucking clown show
Yes they know, that’s why no one is backing off…
Bragging about being insane. Yeah, we know.
These feels like a cartoon villian statement. Im waiting for him to come with “We’re not do different, you and I….”