Elon Musk wurde kritisiert, weil er Wählern in den Swing States 47 US-Dollar für die Unterzeichnung einer Petition geboten hatte



  1. processedmeat on

    I’ll sign just about any petition for $47.

    They don’t do much. 

  2. ChungusAhUm on

    The details are a little fuzzy, but I pledge that we totally won’t take the $47 and donate it to swing state Democratic campaigns.

  3. Can’t hand out water to those waiting in line to vote because it might be influencing and interference. But he can buy signatures to influence voters in swing states. I’m tired of shaking my head in disgust at these people.

  4. Musetrigger on

    Elon trying to buy votes while his mom is encouraging people to cheat their way to a Trump victory.

  5. ButterscotchTape55 on

    Deport Musk. He’s not a natural citizen and he doesn’t deserve to be a citizen at all if he wants to very publicly interfere with our democratic elections like this just because he’s pissy that his kids can’t stand him. We need to organize and get this fucker deported for good. When the fuck are we going to start setting some goddamn precedence around here

  6. Stop the Madness!!!!😂😂😂😂☹️☹️☹️☹️😤😤😤😤🤯🤯🤯

  7. aKaRandomDude on

    Just $47? I thought he was supposed to be the richest man in the world.

  8. Paulbsputnik on

    47 dollars is a insult from a billionaire but maybe that’s what he thinks of common folk

  9. Curious as to how the “forgiving student loans is buying votes” crowd will spin this into a good thing.

    These people have brain damage.

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