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Apart from everything else “refused to follow IDF evacuation orders” is just such a mental statement.
Not my fault if I bomb the shit out of you, I gave you a warning.
Fuck this guy – and the denial of the request came from Unifil, not the Irish command.
Geography isn’t for everyone.
It’s good to see the US has learnt the power of nuance and restraint when it comes to resolving international conflict 🤨
If Israel did this, would it bring the EU into the war?
The Americans had napalm and still got their arses handed to them by malnourished rice farmers so let’s see how that goes for Israel.
The measured response of an American who just shared their 23&Me results with an Irish person and was told to, “Cope on t’fuck”.
Almost like an incitement to commit murder 😯 This is my shocked face..
What a very silly thing to type. I’ll bet he feels silly too. But that won’t stop him. He’ll double down.
[The Yanks if even a hair on an Irish soldiers head is harmed
It’s more the Poles I’d be worried about if I were Israel. Their military is top-notch.
Fuck Israel.
Guy is a Trump supporter and an absolute dipshit. From America, we apologise and most of us (hopefully) are trying to yeet this asshat into the sun.
My piss is boiling here!!!!
Former, yeah that counts for a lot. Even if they’re the current it means nothing. Local man yells at cloud kind of stuff.
IDF are issuing orders to UN battallions now? I know Israel has been flouting UN directives for decades, but this is a bit much. The arrogance of Israel is incredible – although with America at their shoulder, I suppose it’s not really surprising
Is it bad to be hoping an external world power like Russia or China comes in, absolutely levels Israel, executes Netanyahu and instigates regime change?
(If not, and im being out of order, why was it OK to support the invasion of Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq in identical or milder situations?)
If you zoom in enough you can clearly see a couple of WMDs. Go go go!!
Fuck this guy who has forgotten the meaning of human life. I’m hugely proud of my family members who have done stints over in “The Leb”. I hope the Irish being there make the IDF genuinely think twice on doing anything remotely resembling what this pick is suggesting. But I also hope they’re not put at risk by international dick measurement either.
“Good Brodsky, good. By dissembling our feelings we keep the strategic edge.” – this prick
So what do the Irish do there out of interest now?
I know it is peace keeping mission, but how does that apply to Israel now attacking hesbulah, or vise versa?
Do the Irish/UN just sort of ‘dont get involved’ kind of thing?
Doesn’t it make the whole thing pointless now?
10 likes lol
But I thought we’d a special relationship with the yanks /s
Go on .
Proud to be Irish AGAIN.
Peacekeepers with a brilliant reputation.
Post still up if you’re on the Musk Xitter. You can always report under anyone if multiple headings (not that that will make a blind bit of difference, but still).
If you vote for ff/fg then you vote for Israeli aggression. Shame on you.
FUCK Israel the genocial cunts! FREE Palestine 🇵🇸
But remember people, Israel aren’t the bad guys – we have to remember there’s nuance to their position, and labels don’t help….
Yeah that sounds like US foreign policy advice. Also I hope your inflated military budget has come up with something better than napalm by now.
Spoken like the kind of alpha who pays for Twitter…
Can anyone post the actual link to his comment I looked and couldn’t find it.. I looked at the sesspit that is x but only chrome as deleted that shite ages back
Jaysus this fella exudes that small dick energy people on the Internet keep talking about. Anyhow, many things would happen if what he suggests came to pass. I doubt he would like a single one of them, however. Nice of him to parade his general repulsiveness and sociopathy so openly all the same – I hope this tweet can be shown to any of the many, many, many Americans who claim ancestry from and strong affinity with this country should he ever approach them for a job or anything really.
UN organization set up by former Nazis should not be in Lebanon in the first place
It’s time we realised that the US is the enemy.
What…. a …. stupid … cunt
Be careful about trump-fans.
Everybody worried about the army now, where was everybody when they wanted public support demanding a raise in pay and conditions to allow for a livable wage. Or when male members were commenting sucide at an alarming rate due to work pressure and financial stress. Go fuck yourselves.
Are the polish in it with us ??
Hey Israel, kindly fuck off. The People of peace seeking Ireland.
Isn’t it a bit ironic the IDF telling another country to leave an area? Oh wait, they have form for giving those instructions with some force behind them