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Here’s hoping that trend continues.
Pick a random week in Ukraine and Ruzzia sustained more deaths than the entire Iraq or Afghanistan wars
UK Defence Intelligence sits on Reddit refreshing posts like we do. Hey dudes!
How do they even cremate/dig that many graves per week? No one could have predicted the Russian public’s apathy to this kind of hell. Well oiled machine.
I really hope the logistics dilemma Ukraine is creating for Russia leads to 2000 a day average casualties come January. Ammo and fuel hunger will help a lot. Food & winter clothing hunger will add to the pain.
Even if they send all their poor peasants into this war, this rate of casualties is not sustainable. That is one larger village a day worth of casualties. Also the social consequences will occupy Russia for a very long time. Not only is a generation of young men missing, it is an army of amputees, blinds and other impaired people that is coming back home from the frontlines. In a country with poor public health services, this is a huge strain on families and communities. Putin will be long gone while Russia is still fighting with the mess he created for society.
With that kind of casualties this is no serious military. Fucking barbarians
The Russian army is in a death spiral. Worse trained troops in worse equipment lead to more casualties needing even more replacements etc.
In the mean time the young, educated and wealthy fled the country and Russia is experiencing manpower shortages.
The head of the snake should be removed. But in russia we never know what other head will replace him. Unfortunately 90% of russia are zombies and they cannot be fixed. An economic collapse is probably the best solution.
650,000. 1 out of 230. 1 man out of 115. 1 man out of 40 of 20-45 year old cohort.
Would be more if Brandon let Ukraine go deeper into muscovy
Thy dont give a fuck about lives Lost only meter gained.
If trends keep going they way they are, then 2025 looks to be a 2 grand type of year/
Unfortunately Ukrainian casualties are also probably higher as a result of the combat being spread around.
Let’s hope for a plateau.
Day 950: Russia running out of missiles and armor.
Day 951: Russia running out ammunition and manpower.
Day 952: Russia running out of missiles and armor.
Day 953: Russia running out ammunition and manpower.
Day 954: Russia running out of missiles and armor.
Day 955: Russia running out ammunition and manpower.
Day 956: Russia running out of missiles and armor.
Day 957: Russia running out ammunition and manpower. <= You are here.
Just rotting in the field. Stripped by their companions.
Higher and higher!
I assume mud season is also coming so the intensity of attacks increases to capture good dig-in positions before everything turns to mud and the shellings begin?
Russian onion industry going brrrr with all the compensation being handed to the families.
How long before the traditionally restive Republics in the Russian Federation decide they don’t want to contribute their men to a pointless war in the far West? There is absolutely nothing in it for them.
Need to have it higher than Russians are willing to accept and their ability to replace those casualties. It seems that Russians have accepted casualties as a “fact of life”.
They are not peaking they are just beginning to climb to a peak of hopefully 10,000 a day
Looks like we are almost to the equivalent of Memphis now for them in casualties. At 1250 a day, we will get past Seattle easily by the end of the year.
Charlotte 827,097
Seattle 684,451
Denver 682,545
El Paso 681,124
Detroit 677,116
Boston 667,137
Memphis 655,770
New South Memphis 641,608
Portland 632,309
Oklahoma City 631,346
Las Vegas 623,747
Baltimore 621,849
Washington, D.C. 601,723
Milwaukee 600,155