Stadtrat von Wexford kritisiert die SPHE-Lehre zum Thema Masturbation – „Es ist an der Zeit, etwas von diesem aufgeweckten Unsinn zur Sprache zu bringen“

Von jklynam


  1. What does Jim Codd think that a “young, insecure and uncertain teenager” who has questions about masturbation should do? Who should they talk to if not their parent, a councillor, or a doctor?

    Or is it just that it shouldn’t be talked about at all with anyone? Talking is woke, to be fair.

  2. > Aontú councillor Jim Codd is a religion teacher 

    Well, that’s all I need to know about this obsolescent fool.

  3. TheStoicNihilist on

    > Aontú councillor Jim Codd is a religion teacher

    Doubly unqualified to dictate the content of the sex education curriculum.

  4. Ashamed_Buy3113 on

    Why do so many fellas throwing out complaints about “woke” ideology look like they’re one more fish supper away from a trip to the cardiac unit?

  5. OldVillageNuaGuitar on

    It’s pretty funny to complain about the state usurping the role of parents in sex education… by telling kids to go talk to their parents about sex things.

  6. External-Chemical-71 on

    Let’s just continue with the Catholic guilt trips about normal healthy activities instead. That’s always had really positive effects on our young people. If it’s not broke why fix it.

  7. FamiliarBend1377 on

    >believes rather than teach children about masturbation the Government should be cracking down on tech companies and young people’s access to pornography

    Ah yes, the classic either/or scenario.

  8. RecoveringTreeHugger on

    Cum again…

    Anyone else sick to fucking death of hearing the word woke and anti woke..

  9. Potential-Drama-7455 on

    Realistically the average 12 year old sees more porn in 10 seconds than I as an 80s kid saw in 10 years (thanks local IRA members kids). Talking about masturbation seems like a non issue to my 50 something year old arse.

  10. yamalamama on

    Someone teaching religion trying to paint sphe as a waste of time is gas. We should be getting that out of the curriculum for state schools asap.

  11. CrispsInTabascoSauce on

    Only woke people masturbate. True based people get the real thing.

  12. Archamasse on

    Just to be clear, he’s not against masturbation, necessarily, he just doesn’t want to dismiss any myths about it. He doesn’t want people to know it’s not bad for them or anyone else, that it’s a completely healthy, normal thing to do with the body you live in and are the absolute sovereign of, and that an immediate endorphin wobble afterwards is just a hormone thing you shouldn’t take to heart or interpret as rational guilt. People can, and will, do it, they’re just supposed to feel bad about it!

    Btw did you know masturbating is a really effective, medication free, and very easy way to ease period cramps? Call me mad, but I think an accessible and completely downside-free relief for people’s actual physical pain is a useful thing for them to be aware of.

  13. LightLeftLeaning on

    In the ‘70s they told us it’d make us blind. I think the new curriculum is better.

  14. Doctor_Woo on

    I swear, anytime someone uses the term Woke, I immediately switch off.

  15. Low_Arm_4245 on

    “he has received a deluge of phone calls from parents “shocked” by some of the contents in new materials”

    How many phone calls make up a deluge?

     Is it more than a flood of phone calls but less than a torrent of phone calls?

  16. carlitobrigantehf on

    >A Junior Cert schoolbook which advises teenagers to talk to their parents about the “myths and truths” of masturbation has been described as “woke-ism running wild” by Aontú councillor Jim Codd.

    Talking to your parents about sex eduction is now wokeism running wild?

    Pure fucking gibberish. American culture wars are a plague on our society

  17. Oh FFS, now our own gobshites are using “woke” to describe things that make them uncomfortable. 

  18. AlienInOrigin on

    These religious people seem awfully obsessed with the genitals of children.

  19. AdamOfIzalith on

    *”The Woke Left Mafia are teaching kids to give themselves handjobs on Taxerpayers money. They must be stopped” -* A specific right wing rag who’s name dare not be repeated.

  20. shankillfalls on

    “Asked if the contents of My Wellbeing Journey are potentially harmful to children and, if so, how it will affect them, Cllr Codd said: “It will give them a very strange take on things. It will make teachers and students very uncomfortable, and imagine the effect it’s going to have on the doctor’s waiting lists.”

    WTAF? Doctors’ waiting lists?

  21. The_hit_movie_Shrek on

    Could just be me, but any teacher using the term “woke” as a rhetorical device is a bunting of red flags.

  22. borracho_bob on

    One of the main reasons for sex education in schools is to help children understand what sexual abuse is so that they can avoid it or so they can report it if it happens to them. Predators prey on ignorance. A teacher, of all people, should understand this. If he is against sexual education in schools, he is pro-child abuse.

  23. Fern_Pub_Radio on

    Big fat old man using term “woke” also needs to be called out as rubbish ….usually it’s a hankering for staying put in the past when da wimmin stayed in da kitchen, da min did the work and drank pints while driving and if u needed any family advice u spoke to a Catholic priest ….

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