Ein Kriegsjahr: IDF-Daten zeigen, dass 728 Soldaten getötet und über 26.000 Raketen auf Israel abgefeuert wurden



  1. Dunkdunkglunk on

    26,000 rockets and only a few strays have caused destruction of public property. Iron dome is well worth its price if it’s this polished.

  2. Rude_farmer_9000 on

    And none of the pro-palestinian supporters are questioning the absurdity of the existence and immense cost of a purely defensive system.

    This means they fundamentally acknowledge the constant and immense threat Israel is under and that Israel needs to defend itself from the continuous hate it faces.

  3. Remus88Romulus on

    26 000 rockets? Thats more than 3 rockets every day. Jesus Christ…

  4. 26 000 rocket fired at Isreal but Isreal is the one who gets hand slapped when is retaliating

  5. Brilliant_User_7673 on

    Iron Dome or not, every rocket requires a person, a kid , old person to run and seek shelter.

    And the numbers above are just ONE year !

    This has been going on for two DECADES !

    No other country in the world would have put up with this for so long !

    How long d’ya think that the US would have put up with rockets fired by the Mexica drug cartels at our border towns ?

    Remember what happened after our 9/11 massacre by an America haters Muslim terrorists ?

    But for some idiotic reason known only to “progressives” and Useful Idiots, we see worldwide demonstrations in support of the… TERRORISTS !

  6. Two of the top militarily capable countries worked on the iron dome together. Did Iran, and its 3rd world proxies expect to best it?

  7. Tell me, anti Israel people- What is the proportionate response to 26,000 rockets fired at you?

  8. 17 000 Hamas terrorists killed and Hamas’ health ministry claims a total of 45 000 Palestinians died. Since their health ministry is known to lie, those are honestly pretty good numbers for urban warfare against an enemy that dresses like civilians and hides amongst them.

  9. woolybully143 on

    It’s wild to think that despite being called a war, the number killed (Palestine 43k vs 1.7k Israel) paints a very one-sided picture that is not being accurately represented in US mainstream media

  10. Worth also noting that 340 ish of the 728 troops died on October 7th.

    almost identical casualty numbers from one day of defenses collapsing as 1 year on maneuvering and fighting on 7 fronts, unfathomable.

  11. About half died on 7.10.23
    Things could have been so different if those brave men and women would have gotten a warning even a few hours before!

  12. NegevThunderstorm on

    But of course antisemites dont want a ceasefire on terrorists attacking Jews

  13. imnotgonnakillyou on

    Any affiliate of Hamas still alive should find their family and look them in the eyes and apologize for destroying their lives. Then surrender. 

  14. I find it funny how people try to compare the deathtoll

    You think it’s a video game? Where the teams needs to be balanced? One side is a well funded military and one side is a terrorist organization.

    One side has bomb shelters in every corner and spends billions on interceptors other sides has 0 bomb shelters and tunnels under civilian infrastructure to keep his terrorist safe the same side that claimed that the world need to protect the palestinians not them(while they are the ruling government)

    Do you think they will go and massacare 1200 civilians kidnap hundreds and Israel will not bomb the living shit out of them?
    If the US was in that area, you wouldn’t be able to count the bodies look at Iraq and Afghanistan with deathtolls of tens of thousands in countries hunders times bigger than the gaza strip you can’t comprehend how much restraint is needed to keep the deathtoll that low in such a densely populated area.

    The gaza strip is 141 sq mi compared to 169,235 sq mi in iraq and 252,073 sq mi in Afghanistan, if you think 40 thousand of which at the very least a fourth are terrorists is a high deathtoll for this war then you are insane.

  15. Suspicious-Appeal386 on

    Now post the statistics on the number of attacks by legal and illegal Jewish settlers on Palestinian villages. Just the last 36 months.

    Wouldn’t want to overwelled fellow readers.

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