Hillary Clinton erklärt: „Wir verlieren die totale Kontrolle“, wenn wir Social-Media-Inhalte nicht mehr „moderieren und überwachen“ (Ja, es ist offensichtlich, dass unsere Eliten und nicht eine ausländische Bedrohung die größte Bedrohung für die Amerikaner sind)

Von Orangutan


  1. Cryostatic_Nexus on

    Would this regulation extend to the dark web? Isn’t it called “dark” because it’s unregulated? Or would they just make it illegal to access it? Because why not just create social media exclusive to the dark web, similar to X and whatever else people use? Am I being naive and stupid?

  2. Vegetable-Abaloney on

    When she says ‘we’ she means ‘them’ – those that are in control. The narrative is slipping from them. The jury is still out on Musk for me, but he seems to have caused ‘them’ some heartache by allowing less restricted conversation amongst real people.

  3. Jiminy__Crickets on

    How about this… **Reverse the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act** that was signed by Obama in 2012, which legalized the use of propaganda on US citizens.

    The problem isn’t the citizens of the United States. The problem is the government and their state media cronies.

  4. ArgentoFox on

    Mockingbird media is what she’s referring to. Legacy media journalists are told precisely what to talk about and how to frame it. This has enabled complete control of the narrative until the proliferation of social media. In the past, the citizenry only had radio, print publications, and television (all three were controlled by a handful of entities) to parse information through. Now the boots on the ground, so to speak, can speculate, record, and react in real time and narratives being pushed can be questioned, debunked, and disregarded as soon as they’re being rolled out. This is why alternative media is being openly demonized. 

    They’re desperately trying to frame this as a national security risk to eliminate open discourse. 

  5. SmoovCatto on

    RIght, because freedom is all about some delusional thug minion genocide accomplice having control . . .

  6. SilencedObserver on

    Monitoring media before it aired is precisely how Bill Clinton did so good in his run up for president.

    The Clinton media team had been watching satellite broadcasts of news and because of that was able to respond to things before they were public knowledge.

    This has been their play forever. Hilary’s emails were legitimate and should have been reviewed.

  7. FactCheckerNeil on

    Wouldn’t it also make it easier for elites to use social media sites to spread whatever propaganda they want if they don’t moderate social media content?

  8. CreepyExtension7 on

    If the war machine – ie. Cheney’s and Hillary are backing a candidate anyone with slight common sense should put two and two together…

  9. BobbyTarentino25 on

    If “misinformation” was all “misinformation” they wouldn’t give a fuck about it on platforms…..

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