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Here’s a good site in English explaining what each type of waste is:
The ones that are different from your picture are the last two— Sperrmüll which is large, bulky items like furniture that can be collected and the Green one which is plants and grass clippings.
* Restmüll: waste for landfill; basically anything that doesn’t belong in the other categories. Goes in the grey/black bins.
* Biotonne: biodegradable waste for compost — mostly unused and uncooked vegetable or fruit matter. Goes in the brown bins.
* Altpaper: recyclable paper and cardboard, but not things like greaseproof paper, tissues, anything impregnated with wax, or anything that has become soaked in oil or grease (pizza boxes might be too greasy). Goes in the blue bins.
* Leichtverpackungen: packaging materials that are not paper, cardboard or glass — plastics mostly. Exact rules vary from place to place, but there is usually guidance printed on the bags or bins to help you. Goes in the yellow bags or bins.
* Sperrmüll: bulky waste, like old pieces of furniture or appliances that are too big to fit in any bins. You put it outside for collection.
* Grünabfälle: garden waste from pruning bushes and trees, collected twice a year to coincide with times when people do most of their pruning. This has to be bundled up and tied with garden twine, and usually taken to a specific place for collection. Leaves, small twigs, and so on can be put in paper sacks.
Since waste collection is organized on a municipal level, you need to check your city’s or waste collection company’s website for details. The general categories are as follows:
Restmüll is residual waste. More or less anything that is neither hazardous or electronic waste nor covered by one of the other categories.
Biotonne is for compostable waste, such as kitchen scraps. What exactly can and can’t go in varies between regions (e.g. whether or not you can put in cooked stuff). Very often, so-called biodegradable plastic bags are not allowed, because they decompose only very slowly under the conditions found in typical bio waste processing setups.
Altpapier is paper and cardboard. Only *actual* paper, in particular not milk/juice “cartons” or butter “paper”. Also, cardboard soaked with grease (such as used pizza boxes) is often not allowed.
Leichtverpackungen is for packaging waste made out of plastic, metal, and composite (like the aforementioned milk/juice “cartons”) material. For packaged goods, the producer or importer pre-pays for the disposal of the packaging so disposal is free for the consumer, whereas the producer has an incentive to use less and/or recyclable packaging.. Some places also allow *stoffgleiche Nichtverpackungen* (“same-material non-packagings” in the same bin, i.e. broken or no longer needed plastic and metal household items), but not all do.
Sperrmüll is bulky waste: Stuff that doesn’t fit in the bin, such as old mattresses, carpets, and furniture. In many places, electric/electronic stuff is excluded, and especially anything that contains refrigerant (fridges, freezers, air conditioners). It might also require listing the items you want to dispose in advance in some way.
Grünschnitt is garden waste. I’m not sure how exactly it differs from Biotonne, so be double sure to check your local rules and definitions.
It’s very likely that the last two categories are collected only once or twice each year
additional to the information already provided, you put the trash out the evening before the marked day. trash collection is often very early in the morning, so you need to do it ahead of time.