Die FEMA weigerte sich, den amerikanischen Opfern nach dem Hurrikan humanitäre Hilfe zu leisten! Sie gaben Ihr gesamtes Geld an „Migranten“ und an ihre Herzensländer Israel und Khazaria (Ukraine). WEIL SIE AMERIKA HASSEN!

Von pacmanpill


  1. pacmanpill on

    By their fruits you will recognise them, as Jesus said.

    It is very simple.

    Anyone of these people can stand up and speak up against this atrocity and massive remplacement of White Americans.

    Why they are doing nothing?

    Actually, FEMA is doing less then nothing, there are reports that they actively prevent people from helping.

    This is satanic level of evil!

  2. Howiebledsoe on

    Bizarre that it’s made up entirely of only 2 ethnic groups based on last names. What odds?

  3. Howiebledsoe on

    Bizarre that it’s made up entirely of only 2 ethnic groups based on last names. What odds?

  4. RealGNewsom on

    Blackrock just invested 90 million in lithium mines in the areas hardest hit by the hurricane and there’s proof the weather was modified to make the devastation worse. This is all no accident.

  5. Dirk_Ovalode on

    ziobanker pushing for chaos and they’re surprised the public are even more lethargic than they had even anticipated. back to sleep world.

  6. ConsistentAd7859 on

    Honestly, you don’t in the least think the problem might start when you try to solve all your problems with immigration, war and natural disasters with the same budget?

    You really think it’s evil spirits and not just underfunded, overworked department workers?

    That you can cut budgets with any effect?

  7. Where is our diversity they always preach about? Must be a coincidence 🤔

  8. Artimusjones88 on

    With all your bullshit you do nothing but sow confusion, but that’s your plan. Right…..

    It’s ironic. You are the one who hates America. It’s as simple as watching there local news. I guess all the guys in Guard Uniforms are crisis actors, doing actual work.

    Just stop your bullshit. It may convince those too dumb to question you, but they are also too lazy to vote. So you’re wasting your time…

    How much you getting paid? Can I get in on it?

  9. mispeeledusername on

    This post is utter nonsense. It’s just neo-nazi porn. There isn’t even a relationship between FEMA and Israel/Ukraine. The money for immigrant crises was earmarked and is an order of magnitude less than what is needed for this crisis. Tell your representatives to get off of their behinds and fund disaster relief instead of thumbing your bum to hit your prostate.

  10. iamtheeviitwin on

    If you’re that enraged, email, call, send a courier pigeon to Mike Johnson , the speaker of the house. He is refusing to bring back congress for a vote for more funding for FEMA.

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