Laut einer Studie würde Trump die US-Schulden um ein Vielfaches erhöhen als Harris


  1. Cute-Perception2335 on

    Trump trashed the economy the last time he was in office, and will do it again if he is reelected. It boggles the mind that anybody thinks he will be good for the economy.

  2. newnewtonium on

    Trump would start a recession, which would go global in no time. He cannot manage a business let alone an economy. And to all the fools who are reading this, jumping up and down and saying he already did. No he didn’t. He inherited a great economy and COVID happened which shielded him economically.

  3. Check_This_1 on

    people are selfish. they want money now. he is trying to buy them with tax cuts which is of course costing future generations

  4. friendlybuilder69 on

    I love how they come up with you studies that are totally baseless.
    The policies alone dictate that that’s an impossible outcome. The only reason the debt went up when Trump was president the first time was because of COVID expenses

  5. OverlyComplexPants on

    Why would anyone think that someone who bankrupted multiple businesses and personally lost billions of dollars through his own continual mismanagement and bad decision making would bring a disastrous monetary policy to the country if elected? Seems like kind of a stretch to me. /s

  6. MattofCatbell on

    Yet because he has the magic R next to his name millions of idiots still believe he would be better for the economy

  7. Immediate_Position_4 on

    They are waiting to see if Trump is elected, then they will crash the economy in order to reset home prices. It’s the only thing that will correct the issue.

  8. Bitch_Posse on

    Do you really think the MAGAs are persuaded by financial issues? They are not conservatives or republicans. They don’t give a shit about debt or the country in general. They are motivated by their hate for others. Period.

  9. Hot-Scarcity-567 on

    He already was president. Everyone knows what happens to the US deficit. How is this news?

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