Die Sicht der Irish Times auf Dublins S-Bahn-Probleme: Jahrzehntelange Unterinvestitionen holen uns endlich ein


Von Future-Object5762


  1. yamalamama on

    I feel like I have seen this article every year since around 2015.

  2. When the DART first launched Garrett Fitz had to give a speech effectively apologising to rural Ireland for spending money on Dublin. There was enormous hostility towards public infrastructure spending that hasn’t entirely gone away.

  3. Dublindope on

    The best time to invest in train lines was 10 years ago, the second best time is today, pretty sure that’s how the saying goes.

    Pity we didn’t see a more meaningful breakdown of infrastructure investment from the Budget, or proper investment instead of shamelessly buying votes with temporary tax cuts.

    Add more trains, recruit more drivers, build more lines, it should be straightforward.

    If the public service was even remotely efficient they would have planning and design ready to go with a clear 10 year plan of where they’re expanding and when, instead we have millions spent on waffle.

  4. Klutzy-Bathroom-5723 on

    So, if one extra train to Belfast ruins IE’s entire schedule, how the hell should we fell with DART+, even just the increased capacity on the coastal route?

  5. CoffeeTableReads on

    Do they highlight the huge number of anti DART, LUAS, bus and Metro articles and opinion pieces they they’ve published over the past few decades???

    These have been blazed all over the Irish Times for years which severely hampers public opinion on public transport projects.

  6. “Decades of underinvestment “

    Same as housing and most other problems we have in the country

  7. YoIronFistBro on

    Nope, that caught up wiyh us ages ago and we refused to acknowledge it (we still do).

  8. Oh, better roll out Michael McDowell, that article could be construed as being pro-rail.

  9. They could have put the boot in a bit more. They’re the national paper, they have a responsibility to call out why things are as shoddy as they are.

    RTE/irish Times are just state mouthpieces, useless when it comes to any kind of legit journalism.

  10. Accomplished-Try-658 on

    Let’s acknowledge they only care about stuff like this when the multinationals start complaining.

  11. ShoddyPreparation on

    One thing I am finding particularly annoying is it gets shut down for maintenance basically bank holiday weekend now so a bunch of events are a pain to get to and from.

  12. ConsciousTip3203 on

    Commuter Rail problems… Other Rail… Road Infrastructure… Housing… Healthcare… Insert Major Public Service or Infrastructure here

  13. The whole country is in need of massive investments in infrastructure. This is where the money needs to be spent.

  14. sarcasticmidlander on

    375k more people in employment now than before pandemic. Companies making people go into office more and more is really gonna put more stress on the transport system even if only a share are office-based jobs. System probably hasn’t had to cope with full worker capacity since 2019 but is already beyond its own capacity

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