Nach ukrainischen Angriffen auf russische Lagerhäuser begann das russische Militär, sich über Granatenmangel und Angriffe auf Munitionsdepots zu beschweren. „Z-Blogger“ Yegor Guzenko („Thirteenth“) sagte, die russischen Soldaten würden immer noch zu Angriffen geschickt, bekamen aber nicht genügend Munition.


  1. EntertainmentOdd4935 on

    I thought he was like one of their boys, like they liked him.  

    Oh well, I guess the next time we hear about him it will be when he was part of an assault wave. 

  2. Guess that’s the prize for trusting Putin’s military logistics sense. That is to say he doesn’t understand the former and has none of the latter.

    Serfs need to understand what that says about them, trusting a scam artist who takes them for passive fools.

  3. Listelmacher on

    On Saturday I read at fontanka ru:
    “… Military blogger Yegor Guzenko, known by the nickname “Thirteenth,”
    was detained in Novopavlovsk in Stavropol Krai.
    He was taken to the local police station, his Telegram channel reported on October 5.
    The reasons for his arrest have not been disclosed. …”
    “Why Yegor Guzenko, a military blogger, was detained”
    Почему задержали Егора Гузенко, военного блогера
    Typical Russian clickbait.
    Headline is a question and I still have no idea why he was arrested. /s

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