Der Kampf, den Russland noch nicht geführt hat: Die psychische Gesundheit seiner Kriegsveteranen

Von Gjrts


  1. KaTaLy5t_619 on

    They don’t care about their actual health. Mental health isn’t even an afterthought for their veterans! But then not many countries do care too much about the mental health of their veterans so Russia will be in good company there.

  2. Medicine for that is vodka, it’s widely used for that purpose already from WW2 and is freely available all over the Russia. Yes, it has multiple side effects which all end up with lower life expectancy. But life in rural Russia in old age is not living worthy anyway, so it’s considered as benefit.

  3. Complete-Address3127 on

    Russians shouldn’t invade other countries! Then their mental health will be in order!

  4. BlinKlinton on

    Lol. Russia was such a peaceful country until 2022. Not single war since WWII. Not a single war veteran until recently.

  5. the-average-giovanni on

    Smells like propaganda.

    But then, maybe the writer is right and poorly treated PTSD is something that only exists in Russia.

    But no, this article really smells like propaganda.

  6. My bet is that they won’t deal with it. Alcoholism and drug use will rise same with crime rate.

  7. Teacher2teens on

    Daily business: come home beat your wife and mother the sh*t out and kill them. Then sent to front again. Repeat.

  8. It will be a HUGE fucking issue yet again, and yet again they’re going to ignore it and sweep it under a rug.

  9. Why would Russia care about them? They already helped Russia to invade others, Kremlin doesn’t value them anymore.

  10. Seems highly unlikely they address it at all. Does Russia even have a functioning public health system? Anything I’ve seen of it beyond expensive clinics in Moscow, St Petersburg etc looks like it’s an utter shambles without funding or resources

  11. Eminence_grizzly on

    The people’s mental health is not a problem for a country that doesn’t give a shit about its people.

  12. The solution? Easy! Just let them all die, that has been the Kremlin’s plan from the start

  13. Ruzi-Ne-Druzi on

    “The mental health of terrorist,rapists and violent alcoholics,drug addicts and other scum that somehow survived invading Ukraine” – wtf you supposed to do with such people, they aren’t just mentally ill, they are worst kind of criminals, except they were legalized and encouraged by russian government.

  14. Glorious_Mullet on

    Do they have veterans at all? I thought they leave the front only in body bags (the lucky ones)

  15. speedyboogaloo on

    And the Ukrainian soldiers (what is left of them) will return as good as new when all this is done, completely well adjusted, ready to be doctors and scientists? This is repulsive level of propaganda.

    Both sides will face major societal problems for decades to come from the damaged people that survive and return from the front.

    If Russia wins, what is left from Ukraine will turn into a far-right Nazi insane asylum ran by PTSDd, violent and war hardened psychopaths. If Ukraine wins Russia will probably face either a civil war or will be ran by a new violent and brutal “criminocracy” of PTSDd psychopaths.

  16. You can’t have mental health problems if you’re dead. Some general probaly.

  17. WhatHorribleWill on

    Yeah man, let’s pardon a bunch of convicted rapists, murderers and what not and throw them straight into a literal war zone where they can freely indulge in their violent fantasies, there’s no way this can backfire

    If I were a civilian living at the border I’d invest in some additional home security, those guys are known to go AWOL

  18. almarcTheSun on

    The veterans from the Afghan war are still in *really* rough shape, some 45 years later. This one is so much worse than the war in Afghanistan. Regions outside of Moscow and SPB will become an absolute hellhole where any man you see on the street could potentially have massive PTSD.

  19. Oh it’s starting. They’re already coming back and doing about as well as you’d expect.

    For some reason they’ve seen the Russian govt give no shit about the Afghanistan vets and the Chechen wars vets, but they thought “well they’ll take care of US though”.

  20. This is one of the reasons you don’t do wars, but do the diplomacy. Russia is quite unlikely to be a nice place to live after the war for quite a while. Hard to imagine the depression of one million mentally injured people coming home from the war, and not to the money they used to during the wartime. Hello, Germany after WW1. Ukraine will be most probably likewise. Just insane.

  21. Bleeds_with_ash on

    The Ministry of Defense entered into a contract with Ruslan
    Derbichev, who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and has a permanent
    disability. about this spoke
    Ivan Shukshin, the author of the Telegram channel with a register of
    “terrorist extremists”, filled by RosFinMonitoring, . Derbichev’s
    brother was previously on this register, was in contact with Shukshin
    and therefore asked him to spread the story about sending a sick
    relative to the front. He also sent photographs of medical certificates
    containing his brother’s diagnoses. Derbichev’s main diagnosis
    is “paranoid schizophrenia, episodic course with an increasing defect,
    incomplete remission” – this is category D, unfit for military service.
    One of the documents dated November 2021 states that the man needs to be
    evacuated to a psychiatric hospital at his place of residence.
    Moreover, Ruslan has had the second group of disability for an
    indefinite period for 4 years now. By a court decision dated
    November 24, 2023, Ruslan was deprived of his driver’s license; the
    court indicated a diagnosis of “organic personality disorder of behavior
    in connection with mixed diseases. Persistent pronounced psychological
    syndrome.” The court argued that there was an “imminent threat to road
    safety” and revoked his license. However, nothing prevented the
    authorities from handing over weapons to such a person.

  22. _CatLover_ on

    What veterans? RuZZia has 600k dead compared to Ukraines 30k. Do people even read Deutsche Welle?

  23. Young-Rider on

    Russia will likely do what they did in the past: not providing for veterans and selling cheap liquor. Obviously, the war is detrimental to Russia’s economy and society.

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