Deutschland rechnet im Jahr 2024 mit einer erneuten Rezession – als Übeltäter werden ein industrieller Abschwung, geringere Exporte und steigende Energiekosten angesehen

Von EUstrongerthanUS


  1. Professional-Wish656 on

    What are they waiting to start deals with Russia for cheaper fuel? Instead of giving weapons to Ukraine a peace agreemnt should start right away.

  2. YourShowerCompanion on

    Should’ve constructed more nuclear reactors. Not the ideal but better than dealing with moscovy regularly.

    Any word from against nuclear energy crowd? How’re they doing?

  3. El_buberino on

    More like corporate greed, housing crisis and idiotic migration policies. 15 years of Christian democrat rule ist running towards us to take a chunk out of our ass

  4. Armagh3tton on

    Imo Germany finally needs a reform of its insanely inefficient bureaucracy. But this will be tricky since they would probably need to change basic law for that.

  5. VicenteOlisipo on

    Have they tried _Austerity_? I remember that being the cure for all economic problems back in the 2010s

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