Iraner befürchten, dass nach dem Raketenangriff Teherans auf Israel ein Krieg droht


  1. They should. Do they honestly think Israel is simply going to sit back and accept those missiles without responding?

  2. Iran has attacked democracy, and Israel has the right to defend itself again. Things are escalating because of Putler and Trumpler trying to take over the world.

  3. Diijkstra99x on

    Innocents held captive and at this point they will use civilian as shield just like their boys at Hamas, Houthis and hezbolla. typical terrorist tactics.

  4. > Hundreds of people celebrated on the streets of Tehran after Iran launched its biggest-ever attack on Israel on October 1.

    Probably deserve to be afraid.

    > Maryam, who saw missiles being launched at Israel from Iran on October 1, said ordinary Iranians will pay the “highest cost.”

    Largely people who do NOT deserve to live in fear.

    The IRGC must go. The proxy wars for ME supremacy have stacked bodies a mile high, and Israel’s inevitable response will be no exception, and the blame for that is squarely at the Ayatollah’s feet.

  5. Clever_Bee34919 on

    War isn’t coming… war is already upon you, and your idiot leader is at fault.

  6. macross1984 on

    Well, what do you expect? Iran is now fearful of imminent Israeli response now.

    You threw the blow. Israel will reply with interest.

    Leave Israel alone and Israel will be more than happy to leave you alone but you didn’t.

  7. ChanceryTheRapper on

    I mean. You attack someone, then, yeah, retaliation may happen. That’s why you need to get your government to listen to you and make choices in your best interest.

  8. planck1313 on

    If you fire 200 ballistic missiles at another country then you are right to fear war.

    Iranians FAAFOing on a grand scale.

  9. Not gonna lie, I absolutely love the way most articles not coming directly out of Israel are implicitly assuming that Israel can kick Iran’s ass with barely an effort and there’s literally nothing holding them back except for Biden begging them to wait.

  10. Durant-Wolgast12 on

    Tfw your military is a tool to look tough for a domestic audience instead of safeguarding national security. Good luck Bois.

  11. Gajanvihari on

    Once again, after a full year of these headlines:

    There is a War already. Oraganizing an attack against another nation is an act of war. There is no ‘escalation’, the only question is how does the war end?

  12. BlackSheep_875 on

    Dumbasses. Hopefully, Israel can free the Iranian and Lebanese people.

  13. razordreamz on

    Good. Make them wait. Send a small amount to make them feel you had revenge. Then a week later launch the real attack

  14. CattiwampusLove on

    The last time Israel had to do this they beat six countries and took territory. Have fun. It’s not like the US is gonna let Israel do this alone lmfao. Lebanon and Iran may have run out of luck. Netanyahu is running out of patience and does not want to lose power.

    Not only will this escalate, A LOT of people are going to die. Some that die will deserve it, most that die will not.

    Also, don’t give me that “NoBodY DeSErvES To DiE!!”

    Yes, very many people deserve to die.

  15. Reminder: If you can’t separate civilians from a military/government, you’re also the bad guy.

    Cheering the deaths of innocent people who had nothing to do with any attack is monstrous.

  16. Iranian government doesn’t have the public’s best interests in mind they listen to their own tainted advisors.

  17. Pale-Training566 on

    They have time to revolt. I really can’t believe the IDF would open up Iran until after the US elections. Time is now for Persia to take it back without mass destruction first. They’ll watch Lebanon be annihilated and realize there is nothing to lose and the time is now. Once they create a foothold, Israel can arm them. War is coming one way or another. Time to take control Persia

  18. Perudur1984 on

    IDK about war – I don’t think Israel wants a war with Iran but a retaliation is certain. If that retaliation is proportional, I doubt Iran will attack again and a full scale war will be averted. Israel wants to focus on smashing Iran’s proxies first and will bide it’s time. Of course, that depends on Iran – if it were foolish enough to launch another attack of course.

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