Wohin fließt das Geld der FEMA? Illegale Einwanderer. Die Republikaner stimmten gegen den letzten Gesetzentwurf, weil er mehr Mittel für illegale Einwanderer vorsah. Werden die Demokraten einen neuen Gesetzentwurf unterstützen, der den Amerikanern tatsächlich hilft? Florida wird diese Woche von einem Hurrikan heimgesucht.


Von Penny1974


  1. SS: Where is the FEMA money going? Illegal immigrants. The Republicans voted against the last bill because it was full of more funding for illegal aliens. Will Democrats support a new bill that actually helps Americans? Florida is getting hit with a hurricane this week.

  2. > The Shelter and Services Program helps provide essentials to migrants released from custody of the Department of Homeland Security while they await their immigration outcome.

    So… not illegal immigrants?

  3. somnamomma on

    On Femas website you can only find financial reports up until the year 2021.

    Found that odd while applying for FEMA aid.

  4. MaxwellHillbilly on

    In the next 8 to 10 years, a VERY large amount of people are going to die off…
    (Sorry Boomers, THANKFULLY it’s going to happen
    sooner than you think).

    Yet our birth rate is way below what it needs to be…

    How would you fix that problem?

  5. HalfOrcMonk on

    The establishment politicians do whatever they can to bankrupt red states.

  6. chainsawx72 on

    And yet they repeatedly state that this is a lie. It’s a fact. FEMA funds have been diverted to become a fund for illegal immigrants.

    Can’t really call them illegals anymore, since the moment they apply for aid they are granted legal status by the Biden administration.

  7. The republicans killed the boarder bill that would have speed up the process of deporting these people. So now fema has to spend the money.

  8. Additional-Brief-273 on

    So what you are saying is only the republicans in congress can pass legislation for more funding to help other struggling republicans? Lmao good luck with that. Republicans don’t even care about republicans just blaming the democrats lol.

  9. I’ve been told by the press secretary this is true and then about a month later by the same person it’s untrue…

  10. Beat_Mangler on

    I see it as a gigantic problem that there is nobody to oversee the government spending as in when they send billions overseas is there anybody to actually manage that money or to make sure it gets to the right people and isn’t corrupted like the entire political system

  11. Think how much we could spend if illegal Ukrainians and Israelis show up

  12. everydaycarrie on

    The most tragic thing about this is that by some estimates, less than 2% of Americans in the areas hardest hit by Helene have flood insurance.

    Many insurers refuse to even offer flood insurance and those who do, make it prohibitively expensive. Ironically, FEMA itself apparently offers flood insurance but has not managed to generate the necessary outreach to enroll very many people at all.

    Most of the victims of Helene are facing having to rebuild their homes on their own. This is the same reason that many poor people never returned to Louisiana after Katrina. I remember watching videos of people still living in the state they evacuated to, a few years after, saying that FEMA only gave them $7000 or some paltry sum that would not provide what they needed to rebuild.

    It is saddening to think of the federal government issuing free housing and handouts to illegal immigrants and billions into the homeless industrial complex and NOT paying the full cost of rebuilding for American homeowners who lost their property to a major disaster.

    The estimates of damage from Helene that I have seen are anywhere from $160 to $250 billion dollars.

    I think perhaps the best thing that we could do for Americans impacted by Helene, is begin to demand from our congress people, that the US government foot the bill to rebuild their homes.

  13. Yup and Elon Musk spends about 1 million dollars a day amortized. Cost of doing business I’m afraid.

  14. ShowerFriendly9059 on

    You think Democrats are the problem when it comes to wasting FEMA dollars? That’s rich.

  15. Primary_Break_7963 on

    Everyone loves to point to illegal immigration. Billions of dollars printed. Billions sent to other countries. The list of actual problems is huge. But yet everyone still supports government and its corrupt officials. 

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