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Von yeeyaa1799


  1. Spooks_Corrupt_XXXXX on

    Why can’t they displace the Palestinians, commit thousands of murders of civilians and bomb Syria thousands of times and receive no repercussions???

  2. ComprehensiveLet8238 on

    their downfall will be their lack of empathy and authenticity combined with their vanity

  3. Imaginary-Carpenter1 on

    Pretend? Are you serious? Some of us are really trying not to smash you although you are so obvious to the fact you just tease us all day long, you say you are so hard yet when I rear my head you run. YOU try being oppressed and see how you like it soft pretty boy.

  4. Megamijuana on

    The world needs to be free from their religious supremacist manipulations.

  5. Rowebot111 on

    Facts. They are about to bring Americans into a WORLD WAR to bring about the Zionist one world government. Look up the Kalergi plan… the Kabbalah. Zohar. Read the damn Talmud that’s all it takes… terrible stuff.

  6. chainsawx72 on

    And why do you know that blacks are (arguably, assuming Jews are #1) the second most oppressed people in history? Is it because black people have so much money and control of media and political influence?

  7. panopticblast on

    lol cmon man. “the jews” don’t own everything, a handful of rich guys do. you might as well say the syrians owned apple because of steve jobs. the overwhelming majority of us will never see any benefit from the rich ones! trust me, i wish i was wrong about this lmao.

  8. whenthedont on

    Getting sick of the antisemitic bullshit comments on this sub.

    Jewish people ARE 100% oppressed but it’s as a consequence of the Zionist elites. The millions of Jewish common people in this world do not deserve the constant onslaught of terrorism just as the Palestinians don’t. It’s like when the Anne Frank statue was vandalized many months back. What the fuck does a young girl or any Jewish children, working class people, Jewish citizen have to do with the decisions made by the billionaires.

    So many of you use the guise of conspiracy to mask plain outright prejudice.

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