Trump nennt sein Wahlkampfteam „so dumm“, weil es bei der Kundgebung ein „falsches Bild“ zeige


  1. Cute-Perception2335 on

    If they didn’t display a photo of 1930s Germany, it was the wrong one. Harumph.

  2. Grizzem222 on

    What exactly happened here? I understand its in the article but im on mobile and they fill these pages up with so many ads its impossible to read.

  3. Low-Pace-7865 on

    That’s true though ! MAGAs work for trump and MAGAs are dumb as dirt 

  4. Admirable_Nothing on

    To Trump everybody else is stupid when in reality he is the idiot.

  5. ChungusAhUm on

    Aren’t you inspired by your candidate who thinks of you as worms, campaign staff?

  6. Effective-Pudding207 on

    Well he is a “stable genius” after all 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

  7. Affectionate-Bus6653 on

    Trump can’t even pretend to be tolerant of his own. He’ll throw everyone under the bus to protect himself for even an embarrassment. He’s such a small person, and his people will need to learn that on their own I suppose.

  8. Why would anyone work for this AH. You get insulted. There’s a good chance you won’t get paid. And you’re on a losing team.

  9. Straight-Storage2587 on

    I know even stupider people that are going to VOTE for this stupid guy

  10. It never fails to amaze me just how thin skinned Trump is. One single comment from Harris during the debate about his crowd sizes and he just *cannot* let it go. Makes him look…stupid. And weird.

  11. Dearest_Prudence on

    So wait. The guy is showing pictures of his crowd sizes at is rallies , at his rallies?

    This is wild. And absolutely useless.

  12. Crafty-Conference964 on

    so many of the people he hires are stupid and yet he still remains completely off the hook for hiring them.

  13. pootinannyBOOSH on

    Devil’s advocate, it is tough for me to hear if he’s saying “it’s so stupid” regarding the side images to fill the empty space, or “they’re so stupid” regarding the staff,or the panels.

    I don’t doubt that he called his staff stupid because that’s totally him, but there’s some valid plausible deniability here

  14. trump is like a child who can’t accept his own actions. It’s not right to call his team stupid, it’s just childish. he should take responsibility for his own mistakes instead.

  15. satori0320 on


    It’s all falling together.

    Keep running your mouth, you shit smeared creature of the waves.

  16. Far-Explanation4621 on

    One thing he’s right on. He attracts the absolute bottom of the barrel. See Matt Gates, MTG, etc.

  17. Be sure to boycott chef boyardee who is looking to do business with Trump. He openly stated he is voting against human rights for his wallet.

  18. KennethEWolf on

    The very same campaign team who arranged for the press announcement at the Four Seasons in New York a few years ago.

  19. DragonflyValuable128 on

    One of my favorite revelations from Jack Smith’s latest filing is that political genius Bannon insisted to Trump that Giuliani HAD to be the one running the coup effort or they were done. Giuliani, an obviously drunk and demented has been who would go on to hold a news conference at a garden supply store next to a dildo shop while his hair coloring ran down his face.

  20. Dude. You get what you *don’t* pay for. No one with a stitch of sense, talent or any ability whatsoever would willingly work for someone who thinks EVERYONE around them is a speed bump for his bus. And he won’t pay.

  21. Fearless-Economy7726 on

    They see he is a mental case and he has to lose
    His team is in on it trust me
    Sabotage him internally

  22. woodworkerdan on

    Zero loyalty to his own, even as they try to get him elected. It’s part of a well-established pattern, and how his supporters don’t see it as a red flag is beyond me.

  23. heymikeyhelikesit13 on

    Someone on his campaign that’s sick of his shit needs to find his r_ape video and show THAT on the rally screens

  24. Who gives a F about policies and the country and the ppl let me put up pics and vids to stroke my fragile ego- Donald Putinski Trump

  25. ghouly-rudiani on

    Check out at :17. Right before he starts complaining he mouths “fuck”. Kinda funny seeing him pissed.

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