Heute Abend in Beaumont. War vor einem Krankenwagenmann oder Sanitäter. Er sagte, das sei der letzte Wagen in der Notaufnahme.

Verrückt. Auch in die Krankenhäuser, die wir haben, muss Geld investiert werden. Investitionen in die Grundlagen, die Krankenhäuser dazu bringen, nicht nur Ausschüsse zu leiten, um die Durchführbarkeit politischer Änderungen zu prüfen.

Die Ärzte und Krankenschwestern tragen hier die Nation auf ihren Schultern.


Von Mr__Conor


  1. Money isn’t the answer. We don’t get value for money in the health service. The changes that need to happen aren’t popular so won’t happen nor is the the accountability.

  2. If it worked properly, then you people wouldn’t be buying VHI and using private facilities and paying out of pocket.
    And we can’t be having that now. Assets managers and insurance board members have Porches to buy.

    Also I hope you/your friend/family member is alright

  3. Idk if this is real thing but ever since visiting few hospitals in Ireland, I’ve developed this weird anxiety of hoping never needing/visiting one.

  4. SoloWingPixy88 on

    You know when they talk about trolleys and beds, its not actually about thr trolleys and beds, its about the staff to maintain those trolley/bed stations.

  5. Etxegaragar on

    That’s the emergency trolley, it’s right beside the ambulance entrance in case someone collapses in the corridor or waiting room. By which I mean all the trollys are full.

  6. EmergencyAdept457 on

    I start the bid for 14bn to bring it from Dublin to Waterford. Be a good way to spend 14bn of apple tax

  7. mother_a_god on

    The budget increases every year by hundreds of millions to billions, yet we have less beds now than we did in 1999. Money is not the issue, its mismangement

  8. cheeseontoasts on

    I wonder why they aren’t using fitted sheets? The white sheets would be slipping all around the shop, I won’t say anything about the lack of pillows (they’re like gold in our ED) I feel sorry for anyone on the trolleys in ED, they’re essentially stuck there until a bed frees up

  9. DetatchedRetina on

    Had to go to Beaumont emergency (had a doctor’s letter) 3 years ago and it was a mess, even though I was triaged fairly quickly. Everyone had to sit on chairs, supposedly distanced, but not. Mostly all elderly people.
    Gardai came in with joyriders that had crashed nearby, who were talking and belligerent but on trolleys. They were brought straight up after triage, no wait.

    I get so thick with friends or relatives, particularly in other countries telling me to go to A&E/ED if I have what I’d consider a minor reaction or injury. Like I have a spare couple of days to sit around waiting to be seen. Particularly when you’ve kids that need looking after.

  10. J7Eire458t56y on

    Oh I have a great idea let’s keep giving 240 million euro to rte bc it’s important apparently 😵‍💫

  11. its_winter14 on

    That’s a fine bed for the next 48 hours while you listen to the drug addicts hit it off outside in the waiting room. Sure to get loads of rest 🙄

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