Japanische Aale können dem Magen von Raubtieren durch ihre Kiemen entkommen, findet eine Studie: „Aale nutzen die Schwanz-zuerst-Technik, um den Verdauungstrakt von Fischen in Richtung Speiseröhre zu stauen, bevor sie aus den Kiemen austreten.“ »
« The researchers add the elongated shape of the eels may have aided their escape by increasing the chance of their tail remaining in the predator’s oesophagus when swallowed headfirst. They are now planning to explore specific factors that could be involved in a successful escape, with experiments involving other eels and fish with a similar body shape. »
Reference: Yuha Hasegawa et al., How Japanese eels escape from the stomach of a predatory fish, Current Biology, Volume 34, Issue 17, R812 – R813. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2024.07.023
That can’t feel good for the fish