„Verwirrt, vergesslich, zusammenhangslos“: Trumps altersbedingter Verfall wird in neuem Bericht dokumentiert



  1. channelsurfer61 on

    He was unfit even before he got into the white house, with Putins help, in 2016
    Never able to comprehend or state policy, lazy, late to rise and early to golf. Couldn’t respond to questions from the press, resorting to taking softball questions near a running helicopter to pretend that he was unable to hear the questions, which he was always unable to answer, due to the rotor noise.
    Yes, I am agreeing that he is even worse today, but he was never any good.

  2. onceinawhile222 on

    What another disservice from this grand old paper. Calling into question? Spend goodness knows how many column inches laying out his incompetence, rambling, hateful, profane and lying activities. But never once said he was unfit. What a shame.

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