Trump „bat Putin um Rat“, ob die USA der Ukraine bei der Bewaffnung helfen sollten


  1. Pristine_Serve5979 on

    This is sick. We don’t need permission to do shit from putin.

  2. PigeonsArePopular on

    Point of fact, Trump was impeached for offering Ukraine military aid that Obama refused to supply at all.

    What kind of kompromat does Putin have on Obama?

  3. DeFiNe9999999999 on

    What a scumbag dictator sycophant…… Trump-ism is a pathogen within our political system.

  4. Constant-Whole5090 on

    After 2014, when Putin’s little green man invaded Ukraine, and yanukovych fled, President Obama put huge sanctions on Russia. Trump comes removes all sanctions, giving Russia military industry to increase arms production, throw NATO in disarray, and when Biden is president, Putin makes the move immediately. We all know this.

  5. Beneficial_Host_581 on

    Nothing scares me more than this shit stain getting back into power again.

  6. Utterlybored on

    Nothing is shocking any more, but this is so blatantly fucked up.

  7. Icy-Needleworker-492 on

    Like asking a murderer if you should give the victim a gun.

  8. NoImprovement9982 on

    Honestly, I had to check to see if this was an Onion headline

  9. You know, I’ve been operating under the assumption that Trump isn’t half so stupid as he appears, that a lot of what he does is to dumb himself down for the masses and appeal to them for power and influence despite how fucked up it might be.

    This, though…is just fucking stupid. I don’t even think Putin holds anything over Trump, it’s more so that Trump is just so insanely easy to manipulate with a couple compliments and a transactional attitude…or just showing how supporting you is worth more than supporting someone else.

  10. Equal_Memory_661 on

    Just in case it’s not clear to folks at this point, Russia has been engaged in information warfare against the West since long before Trump and Biden. The nonsense belief that somehow Putin would put a decade long strategy on hold because some egomaniac with an orange complexion was going to fawn over him is laughable. Putin had eyes on the Ukraine long before it attacked and I’m convinced that Putin fully expected Trump to win a second term which would have for certain guaranteed him a quick victory. When Trump lost he pushed ahead with the timeline regardless probably wishful that the number of compromised GOP members in the House would at least limit US engagement (which they quite nearly did). The idea that Russia would not have invaded the Ukraine under Trumps watch is complete bullock.

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