Kürzlich wurde ich zur AFU eingezogen. Ich befinde mich jetzt in einem militärischen Ausbildungszentrum und bin zu beschäftigt, um weiter auf Reddit zu posten …


Von Igor0976


  1. human-redditbot on

    What a legend, thank you for your courageous effort. Stay safe out there!

  2. Stay safe out there!

    I’m curious though. How do regular Ukranians feel about getting drafted or the draft in general?

    I remember when RU invaded your country there were a lot of people volunteering to help fight, and I know that you and your people are still staying strong, but I am genuinely curious to know if the sentiment has changed.

  3. LovelyPencils on

    I hope u do receive the adequate training and strong leadership for your battalion. Keep up with the fighting spirit!

  4. YoeriValentin on

    I read the book about your town! If your character is like them I know you’ll be fine! Good luck to you!

  5. PlaneGoFlyFly on

    Stay safe!

    Looking forward to your future posts, Igor.

    🇺🇦 🇨🇦

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