Fascinating! Be interesting to track farming technology using a similar map, that which isn’t unique to certain regions that is.
pr1ncipat on
Why did they wait so long in northern europe?
Couldn’t they just use the internet to google the secrets of farming?
AnaphoricReference on
It would be interesting to overlay this on soil types.
It’s for instance unsurprising to see where it spread quickly in the Balkans or along the löss soil belt from Ukraine to the west of France, or spread slowly into wet lowlands or mountain ranges. But there are still open questions. Are the Western Mediterranean coasts for instance objectively good for agriculture from the perspective of a prehistoric farmer? Or is that more about ships?
Fascinating! Be interesting to track farming technology using a similar map, that which isn’t unique to certain regions that is.
Why did they wait so long in northern europe?
Couldn’t they just use the internet to google the secrets of farming?
It would be interesting to overlay this on soil types.
It’s for instance unsurprising to see where it spread quickly in the Balkans or along the löss soil belt from Ukraine to the west of France, or spread slowly into wet lowlands or mountain ranges. But there are still open questions. Are the Western Mediterranean coasts for instance objectively good for agriculture from the perspective of a prehistoric farmer? Or is that more about ships?