Lasst uns echte Leute finden. Israel wird nicht aufhören. Geschichtsstudenten wissen, was los ist. Zuerst kamen sie wegen der in Gaza gefangenen Palästinenser. Dann kamen sie für das besetzte Westjordanland. Dann kamen sie, um das Volk des Libanon zu holen. Und der Jemenit. Und die Syrer. Und die Iraner. Sie nahmen die Ärzte ins Visier. Die Mitarbeiter des Gesundheitswesens. Die Krankenhäuser. Die Fachkliniken. Die Journalisten. Die Akademiker. Die Dichter und Filmemacher. Die Universitäten. Die Schulen. Die Helfer. Die Waisenhäuser. Die Sanitäter. Die Krankenwagen. Die hungernden Horden. Die Frühgeborenen. Die schwangeren Frauen. Die behinderten Menschen. Die Kleinkinder. Die Vier-, Fünf-, Sechs-, Sieben-, Acht-, Neun- und Zehnjährigen. Die Jugendlichen. Die Teenager. Die älteren Männer. Die Großmütter.

Von throwawayfem77


  1. ReflectionSingle6681 on

    Iran funds militant terrorist groups in Yemen, Gaza and Lebanon*
    These terrorist groups attack Israel*
    Israel defends itself and strikes back at these groups*

    Meanwhile brainlits; whoah dude, Israel is gunning for world domination and wants to control all of middle-east!!

    They haven’t made any move to attack any neighbor who did not attack first and they certainly don’t want the entire middle-east. Given the fact that they gave the Sinai back to Egypt because they knew it was unrealistic for such a small country to take large areas that it could not control. It’s Iran’s fault for destabilizing the region and as soon as they stop funding all these groups, then maybe we will see peace. Also, it’s pretty clear that Iran wants war so that Saudi won’t recognize Israel as a state. They are the only ones who stand to gain anything. Though I guess Netanyahu perpetuates the war and slacks on rescuing the hostages because he knows that he sits in a weak position.

    Edit; also the middle-east is a religiously fanatic shit hole, all religions included.

  2. Imaginary-Carpenter1 on

    The trick is to make you totally write off God because you don’t like what he’s doing in the world. Shame so many people are too prideful to see it because they want it their way. Either fall for it or don’t. You’ve been warned

  3. PhilipCape on

    Islam literally separates the world into two spheres:
    House of peace(territories ruled by islam)
    and House of War(territories of the infidels)
    They have entire chapters with instructions on what to do to infidels.
    And before anyone mentions the crusades, entire middle east was christian far before it was muslim.

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