Ich habe heute in unserem Gebäude viele Blutflecken, gebrauchte Nadeln und andere Drogenutensilien gefunden. Sollte man solche Dinge der Polizei melden? Es gibt Kinder, die im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes am Flur spielen und die Treppen hoch- und runtergehen. Es scheint so gefährlich, frisches Blut wie dieses herumliegen zu lassen. Vor ein paar Wochen habe ich nach der Drogenproblematik hier in der Stadt gefragt. Es ist schockierend zu sehen, wie offensichtlich Süchtige es an sehr öffentlichen Orten wie diesem tun. Ich bleibe immer noch bei meiner Meinung, dass dieser SCHEISS NICHT in Ordnung ist.
Von hexicat
Go to your board and ask them what they are planning / doing about it
You can report it to the police but I doubt that they’ll do anything. To start with you don’t appear to have an identified suspect.
If the users are people from outside the building you can try to see if security can be improved to stop them getting in. Talk to whoever runs the building (styre etc) and ask them to do something.
Be very careful if you or anyone else tries to clear it up.
Go to one of the health stations that give out use equipment, get some, out it in a nice container near this spot, write a note, that anybody can help themselves, just please do it somewhere else, but if you have to do it here, at least throw the trash in the bin. And put a bin there
Move out.
Unfortunately police is a joke here. They won’t do anything.
You need to tell the police that some youths are smoking hash in your staircase.
Is the main door of the building locked? I suppose its not. Ask whoever in charge/the board to start having that door locked for strangers who dont live there (show them these pics) is probably your only option here
Or move somewhere else
Get a lock installed? I assume this is the staircase to several apartments and somehow people are getting in
What city