Die Nation will jetzt Parlamentswahlen, obwohl die Regierung versprochen hat, die volle Amtszeit auf das nächste Jahr zu verschieben
Von _FeckArseIndustries_
March suits me
What a spin; All the signs pointing to an early election, like the early canvassing, the signs, the early budget filled with giveaways, etc.
Now this article pretending like it’s going to be the people’s idea, not the very clear intentions of the government since the Locals and Europeans showed how their parties might fare.
It’s hard to get excited about an election, when we’ll more than likely end up with some variation of the same shit sandwich we have now.
They asked over 5 million people did they want an election?
Government will go full term to March. Expect them to get viral hate speech legislation pushed through beforehand too, thankfully there’s broad cross party support for it. It’s too crucial a time and needs to be done asap.
When new program for government is drawn up, hope they start putting pressure on X platform followed by using the legislation to ban it.
Dreading those fucking posters 🫣
A poll on when there will be a poll.
These polls stories have been a godsend to the media for creating content to write about each week.
I don’t mind when it is, I still won’t be voting for FFG
something to look forward to with the darker evenings.
Why bother? It’s just going to be Fianna Fáil’s turn isn’t it?
Judging by the amount of posters up and canvassing going on, only a few ministers and Simon do not believe an election is imminent.
The situation hasn’t changed in 4 years between 2020 GE and now (it’s either FF/FG +1, or SF +FF +2 or more others. So only FF/FG +1 is likely). And it’s not going to change more by next Spring.
Another poll which was whipped around the canteen
Don’t bother.. nothing will change, the top civil servants run the country not the idiot politicians…. they just waste money month after month…… same shite week in week week out