Israel engagiert sich derzeit an sieben verschiedenen Fronten. Ein Land von der Größe von New Jersey provoziert, wie vorhergesagt, den Dritten Weltkrieg. Iran, Libanon, Palästina, Jemen, Milizen im Irak und in Syrien, Russland bis zur Ukraine und bald auch China werden beteiligt sein, da sie Ölinteressen im Iran haben. Israel wurde geschaffen, um zerstört zu werden.

Von miclem


  1. Spooks_Corrupt_XXXXX on

    Pompeo gets crazy for the Rapture when he watches this…there were CIA who said Pompeo talked about the Rapture to them during the short period when he was CIA Director…it freaked them out.

  2. phlebonaut on

    Knowing trap doors to Government and banking websites and systems helps.

  3. BackOnceAgain_ on

    The illuminati was formed by Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit. They are 100% the ones behind it all and suddenly global events and politics make complete sense when you research with that fact in mind. Most or all of the elite today are Jesuit educated (and there are only like 27 Jesuit out of thousands of colleges/universities in the USA).

    This society has always been up to no good, they were behind the gunpowder plot in the 1600s to overthrow the government by literally blowing up UK Parliament. There are many more events like this around the world in history that they were held responsible for.

    In 1773 due to their worldwide shenanigans they were suppressed by the church and Catherine the Great preserved them, hiding them in secret masonic lodges then in 1776 the Illuminati formed. 132 days later the United States was officially declared.

    They also practise kabbalah, due to the scottish rite of freemasonry being the secret society they adopted some of their practises during their suppression, of which numerology and gematria is included which I want to spread the word about.

    Today they broadcast this all over the world because of technology being lead by the likes of Bill Gates in the early days who is a Jesuit Puppet (look up Melinda Gates family) they have set it up exactly how they need to carry out their religious rituals for the entire world to see.

    “William Henry Gates” = 201 like the founder of the Jesuits, “Ignatius of Loyola”, and like the current (and first ever) Jesuit Pope, “Jorge Mario Bergoglio” all equal 201 by this code, proof to the theory that many or all celebrities/elites are born into these roles. This Pope has just made [Suite 201]( his new home in the Vatican, the building’s name is “Domus Sanctae Marthae” which equates to 201.

    201 is important to them because the jesuit order were suppressed to 201 Priests during their suppression. The Bill Gates sponsored Pandemic Simulation that conveniently took place just before Covid was called Event 201 !!

    The Jesuit Order = 201, Order of Illuminati = 201. State of Israel = 201. Weather Control = 201. The writing on the CIA logo “Central Intelligence Agency, United States of America” = 201 – so does the official motto “The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence” I mean come on? [English Cipher is default]( – they standardised the English language on a global scale via education, and the Gregorian (12 month/52 week) calendar was created by Jesuits and they now use both combined using Gematria.

    I can provide a [Youtube link]( to a channel explaining how and why they code numbers into words, dates, people, exposing them and when you actually realise they almost have the population brainwashed into thinking these rituals are only coincidences when called out, you just got to look it up and realise the amount is statistically impossible to be random as many believe, but I feel that’s because they haven’t taken the time to investigate the historical important of numbers/letters to the Jesuit Order (and many other) religion/societies (cults..)

    I’ll add lastly its probably why 2001 (numerically equalling 201) was chosen as the year, and 9/11 being due to Genesis 11:9 was the last part about the tower of babel falling [putting the ‘script’ into the word scripture.](
    The Holy Bible = 201. Vatican = 119.

    The rabbit hole only gets deeper from here so if you read this with an open mind, you’ll see it can only be a so called coincidence so many times before it becomes a pattern. [201 is the tip of the iceberg](

  4. This is why Kissinger predicted Israel would be gone within 10 years.

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