1. your_comments_say on

    As much as we need a ministry of truth, we really fucking don’t need a ministry of truth.

  2. anxietydude112 on

    more fact checking would be nice, especially on facebook and twitter. People are too stupid.

  3. imaginary_num6er on

    Of all the people we should be listening to, Hillary Clinton is not one of them

  4. mkmckinley on

    She’s really trying hard to be relevant. Didn’t she just publish a third or fourth vanity memoir?

  5. dogfacedwereman on

    End section 230. if platforms want to profit off of disinformation and propagating lies that kill people then they should be held responsible. If that means that end of social media so be it.

  6. blingmaster009 on

    Social media is getting in the way of manufacturing consent, esp foreign social media like tiktok. That is the true reason you are seeing these calls for banning tiktok and bringing the rest under regulations. They want to go back to the good old days where news, tv, radio would all speak with one voice that would convince the American public that the new war was necessary. Those of us with a few gray hairs would remember the huge role the media played in 2002/2003, selling Dubya’s Iraq invasion as something important and exciting and good for America.

  7. ChasterBlaster on

    Failed presidential candidate proposes out of touch mom policies – we don’t need this from the incapable skank who let trump become president 

  8. Limp_Distribution on

    We don’t need censorship we need to enact stronger false advertising laws. Make it illegal to sell opinions as News type of thing. Say whatever you want just don’t label it news if its opinion. Freedom of speech is very important and I believe people should be able to say what they want. I just want consequences. If you incite violence then you should be held accountable. Don’t censor, write better laws that explain and give examples of inciting violence. Don’t make it easy for people to say but I didn’t mean it that way. Those are the types of laws to work on not censorship.

  9. BioticVessel on

    Not just social media, but no one or no business should not be responsible for what they do! It’s absurd to give special protection to Social Media enterprises, gun manufacturers, and all the rest.

  10. Final_Ad_5044 on

    Wow, I literally just tapped out of the JD Vance censorship one and the algorithm put this one on top. Neat

  11. chaseinger on

    yet another boomer, this time with a relevant last name, realizes that giving the plebs access to the internet was a bad move in terms of unfettered authoritarianism.

    here’s tom with the weather.

  12. TheCyberTurkey on

    Remember when she went after GTA and Rockstar won, and so they put a giant statue of not her in game?

  13. Hillary Clinton has always been anti free speech. I still remember when she wanted to restrict video games under the guise of “someone please think of the children”. 

  14. TrunksTheMighty on

    Hilary, you’re out of touch. Regulating the shit out of things normal people use is why a lot of people distrust Democrats.

    Something needs to be done to combat the misinformation and crap, but not this.

  15. >Hillary Clinton declared on CNN that “we lose total control” if social media content is not more regulated.

    You, and by this I mean politicians, don’t need **total control**.

  16. iamtayareyoutaytoo on

    Ban psyche monetizing algorithms. Our brains can not handle it.

  17. I used to support a free, unregulated internet, and then I saw how many people can be manipulated with it. I still support a free, unregulated internet because the alternative is worse.

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