Erneut hochladen mit weiteren Details: Freund entdeckte Trümmer, die über Indiana, USA, wieder eindrangen, Trümmer flogen möglicherweise nach Westen und bewegten sich viel schneller als jedes Flugzeug. Gegen 19:30 Uhr Ortszeit wurden Trümmer entdeckt


  1. UnamedStreamNumber9 on

    Weird that it would be going west. Almost all satellites are on orbits where they will take a south west to north east or north west to south east track over the continental USA. There are also the polar orbiters that are on mostly north south or south north tracks, but almost nothing is orbiting where it will re-enter on a strongly western track

  2. cerealkiller49 on

    All I see is aircraft. If something is reentering, you normally don’t have time to take a photo before it’s gone

  3. Nobodycares4242 on

    Sorry but that’s just two aircraft contrails, not debris breaking up. Reentering debris doesn’t look anything like that, and contrails look exactly like that under the right conditions. They may be military aircraft or something else that isn’t a normal commercial flight, which would explain the speed and how close together they are.

  4. Odd-Comfortable-6134 on

    These are nothing more than aircraft flying over 30,000 feet with the light reflecting off the contrails.

  5. HerpetologyPupil on

    OP thought WAY too much of this. It’s not not deep. Sunset really sends joe rogans fans for a loop huh

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