Trump „bat Putin um Rat“, ob die USA der Ukraine bei der Bewaffnung helfen sollten


  1. lovetoseeyourpssy on

    From the article:

    *”The Republican presidential nominee, who has been vocal in his criticism of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, reportedly asked Putin “what do you think?” when the pair met in Hamburg in 2017, according to The New York Times.”*

    Imagine if Biden had asked Xi whether the US should arm Taiwan…

  2. ThemosttrustedFries on

    This sounds like The enemy of my enemy is just another enemy.

  3. Ok_Signal4754 on

    this has to be a joke…..this can’t be real…from article its 2017 but still..

  4. PoignantPoint22 on

    Funny/sad thing is that his supporters simply do not care. Even if Trump came out and admitted that is exactly what he asked Putin, it wouldn’t move the dial one bit. This fuck sat on his hands when people from his own party, including his own VP were fearing for their safety on January 6th, why in the ever-living FUCK would they care about anything Trump did or said regarding another country?

  5. New_Scientist_8622 on

    Well duh, you always ask your boss’s permission for everything when you’re the new guy.

  6. waldo--pepper on

    Mr. Tillerson called Trump an idiot. Surely this helped him reach that conclusion.

  7. DoubleBroadSwords on

    Donald Trump betrayed his oath as President and is a traitor as a private citizen.

  8. HardlyDecent on

    Every new basically unforgivable thing the guy does, his crowd just forgets every *other* unforgivable thing he’s done, sticks their fingers in their ears, and cries “la la lala…”

    I know a lot of people voting for Kamala, and every single one of them at least has plenty of criticisms and reservations about her (same when Biden was in), yet I’ve *never* heard a Trumper say one rough word about the man. Maybe that he’s a loudmouth, like once. They just do not care.

  9. NakedJellyJam on

    How does this not surprise me anylonger. This man has an orange chicken brain, sorry for the chickens i insulted.

  10. AwfulUsername123 on

    Everyone should watch how Trump reacted when he was asked if he wanted Ukraine to win during the debate. He dodged the question. He couldn’t even say “yes”.

  11. Moist-Moan on

    I wanna say that there is no way he’s that big of a moron. But the evidence always supports that theory.

  12. This is like when my ex-wife asked me if she needed to get a lawyer during our divorce proceedings.

    Uh no, you don’t HAVE to.

  13. TaintNoogie on

    I think the beautiful thing about the American system is that we get exactly what we deserve.

    I hope and believe the future before us is one of solidarity between free peoples defying despotism, side-by-side, and sacrificing to give the prosperity that comes with liberty to the next generation grateful to those who gave it to us.

    …And if there’s a different future before us it is because we are unworthy frauds pretending to be free men, and we deserve a fraud king to lead us back into chains.

    Once you realize this is the shape of things you don’t have to stress about anyone else, and focus your efforts entirely toward defeating the enemy.

  14. epicredditdude1 on

    Trump has gotta be the dumbest motherfucker we’ve ever elected. What the fuck does he expect Putin to say?

  15. “I wouldn’t recommend it Don, that would be a very weak and beta move, I would certainly lose respect for how manly and cool you are”

  16. Hello “non-hostile” nation – can you tell me if we should arm the “non-hostile country you are totally not attacking” ? I feel this is a question that I need answering cause I am very smrt.

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