Trudeau wiederholt den Aufruf zum Waffenstillstand, verurteilt aber nicht die Entsendung von Truppen Israels in den Libanon


  1. ubiquitousmush on

    Why should he when hamas is there? Lebanon is harbouring militants who want to destroy Israel.

  2. This idiot calling for a ceasefire after Iran fires 200+ rockets indiscriminately at Israel cities. Heck Lebanon has been firing rockets into Israel for almost a year. Thats a declaration of war. If that happened to Canada we would have responded same day.

    Ok well maybe not Canada because we have gutted our military completely 🤣.

  3. Draugakjallur on

    > Trudeau condemned the Iranian missile attacks last week but on Saturday, when asked he if he condemned Israel for moving troops by land into Lebanon, he didn’t use the word.

    Oh no! He didn’t use ‘the word’. My life is ruined.

  4. jadedaslife on

    As with Biden and the U.S. Congress, words are wind when you aren’t going to do anything about it.

  5. GiantKnotweed on

    He shouldn’t condemn them sending troops. Can you image if a country fired 200 rockets into canada or the USA? Would we say just let it happen?

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