EU-Abstimmung über Zölle für chinesische Elektrofahrzeuge

    Von EricGraphix


    1. Yeah, domestic profits are more important than going sustainable. We know this already. It’s not that our governments didn’t know or couldn’t do anything. They just decided to play along with the corporations.

    2. I thought Western capitalism is all about freedom of trade, competition etc.

      Why do they resort to tariffs now?

      Can’t they just try to compete and make better products?

    3. TheDarkClaw on

      So how does Eu voting work here? For a law to go into affect, do they all have to be in agreement or a majority or slim majority decides?

    4. RefuseAcceptable1670 on

      China in Asia is basicly Russia in Europe. Incapable of producing anything of quality. Even their propoganda is shit, in which they should be masters at

      Edit: I was wrong on bunch of stuff in this post

    5. globesdustbin on

      I guess we don’t really care about saving the planet then….

    6. This is honestly BS. They know Chinese EVs are much cheaper and their corporation friends don’t want to lower their prices to compete.

    7. Germany is selling a 100 times more cars in China than China is selling in Germany.

      Thanks to our neighbours for voting us into the greatest economic crash in decades.

      Just a hint: We are still paying the largest share of the bill right now. Have fun taking over.

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