Laut einer Studie wird Eis mit der Erwärmung der Welt immer gefährlicher


  1. washingtonpost on

    Warming winters are making ice more dangerous, a new analysis suggests.

    The [research](, published in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, suggests that warming air temperatures and shifting precipitation patterns are changing lake-ice quality, threatening people who rely on ice for transportation or recreation.

    Frozen bodies of water can be made up of two types of ice: a bottom layer of solid, clear “black ice,” and the “white ice” that grows atop it. White ice is less dense, filled with air bubbles and structurally weaker.

    In cold, calm conditions, black ice thickens over time. Once conditions warm, snow and ice melt during the day but refreeze at night. This introduces gas bubbles into the ice and causes more white ice to form. More snow also can delay or limit black ice growth, and snow cover can increase the white ice layer.

    Read more here: [](

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