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Fucking wild that they ACTUALLY had to say this.
It’s mental that the Department actually had to say this because some crazy people on social media spread some shite around, and their online mental illness is leaking into real life with real-world consequences for ordinary people trying to educate school age children.
I recall sex ed in the early 2000’s that had pretty explicit video in it – parents went to an information night and watched it beforehand. This was a pretty Catholic school with a portrait of the pope and a resident priest on site. Point being – teenagers can be exposed to the explicit stuff and have been for a long time. And whatever they see in school will likely pale in comparison to what they can see on the phones their parents provide!
This is for the people who need to be told “Caution: Contents Hot!”.
You mean class won’t be like this!?
It’s funny that the generation who berated the kids about not believing everything they read fall right for clear bullshit on Facebook and group chats.
The dumbest people in society are being organised to push archaic conservatism on the rest of us.
There’s going to be interesting times ahead.
Unfortunately the department having to do this is just another symptom of our inability to use social media in a productive, mature and progressive way. We are just repeating the same mistakes of the past around any topic we fear/don’t like/don’t understand and allowing disinformation and misinformation to spread faster and further than they ever could before.
Perhaps it’s time to start tackling the lunatics making stuff up?
Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!
Thank goodness, kids will never see porn now, the day has been saved
So is everyone just stupid now, is that what we’re doing?
Yaknow what…. Since the advent of the internet any person with access to any computer, young or old.. can see pornography in what… 5 seconds?
To be frank, I couldn’t give a shit if they ‘showed pornography,’ in sphe… The more important thing is in what way they are teaching the important lessons.
Keeping any child or person from this stuff is pretty much impossible now. Education and awareness. Healthy outlooks on all of it is the only option.
Fuck the idiots and the cult members. They will catch up eventually.
Don’t pander to the natural people they are scared of anything to complicated to understand
There’s a musical called Spring Awakening about what happens when you prevent children from getting sex ed. It’s pretty bleak.
Comprehensive sex education has been proven to reduce child sexual abuse, among many other benefits*. Anyone arguing against sex ed is actually arguing for more child sexual abuse. They should be reminded of this fact at every opportunity. However, given the amount of ‘concerned citizens’ that end up caught with heinous material on their hard drives, I think some of them know exactly what they’re doing.
One of the children’s parents in my child’s junior infants class is pushing this shit in the school chat. From some Bible basher American wanker.
No doubt the same fucktards that made those claims about that poor bloke in finglas
We need to bring in a way to fine people (or even just social media sites) for willingly spreading obviously false nonsense
Also I know a department statement will be polite but honestly a statement saying we’re obviously not showing children porn you freaks would be more their level
Horny wee fuckers must be ragin
If anybody does have any concerns about what resources are used in SPHE I suggest you check out the Junior [SPHE Toolkit](https://www.curriculumonline.ie/junior-cycle/short-courses/sphe/sphe-2023/sphe-toolkit/resources-for-teaching-and-learning-in-sphe/) and the the Senior [SPHE Toolkit](https://www.curriculumonline.ie/senior-cycle/sphe-old/sphe-toolkit/resources-for-learning-and-teaching-sphe-2024/) here; aside from the textbooks/workbooks (which your kids are 100% allowed to bring home btw) this is probably what most teachers turn to!
If you are ever concerned about something that your child has said happened in SPHE class please do follow up with the teacher, 99% of the time it’s easily resolved with a quick chat!