„Zuerst die Atomwaffen angreifen und sich später um den Rest kümmern“: Trump drängt Israel, den Iran anzugreifen



  1. FeelingPixely on

    Damn good thing he has no power. The world is watching closely.

  2. ImprovementSilly2895 on

    I’m not surprised he thinks that’s a good idea. “Worry about the rest later” is just dumb as hell.

  3. GroblyOverrated on

    I agree. But I was told the GOP didn’t want more war. They’ve become global pacifists. Well. Depending on what they think is more damaging to the democrats lol.

  4. Armthedillos5 on

    Trump’s whole strategy: Look good now, worry about the rest later.

    Thats the kind of thinking we need in a president! /s

  5. This is the only thing I agree with Trump on. A nuclear Iran is untenable.

  6. Josh_The_Joker on

    Iran has been proven to supply many terrorist organizations around the world. It’s something they have done in the past, and continue to do presently. How long till they choose to sell to one of these third parties?

  7. EDFStormOne on

    30 years ago when his very smart uncle told him all about the power of nuclear he forgot to mention that it isnt a fucking noun

  8. Gee, if only someone hadn’t scuppered a multinational effort that was already working to do exactly that. If only.

  9. InsanelyAverageFella on

    Just think about what he said and then tell me if this is who you want being commander in chief. He doesn’t care what happens afterwards and if this means putting US soldiers on the line to deal with the consequences. Heck, he’s 80 years old. Be doesn’t care what happens more than 2-3 years down the road because he’ll be gone himself.

  10. No_nukes_at_all on

    Did he forget he is running as the self proclaimed “no wars” candidate?

  11. notdeadyet86 on

    I still cannot believe folks want this guy to be president again.

  12. Live_Angle4621 on

    Trump is a Russian asset. Russia has been against Israel since days of Soviet Union where they backed Palestine and West Israel. Encouraging Israel to do something stupid so countries like Russia can get world focus on that and not Ukraine so the plan 

  13. God this fucker needs to just fade away. I’m so ashamed of my country that he has a chance to be the president again.

  14. 869woodguy on

    Iran’s nuclear enrichment plants are deep under a mountain. He should know that.

  15. I have a few Islamic friends saying they are voting for trump and picking his side bc he will end the war. Is this really going to end it or just escalate us into a war with Iran

  16. eaglesman217 on

    If Iran is permitted to have nuclear weapons, expect dirty bombs around the world. Israel does need to cripple Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

  17. Wonderful_Emu_6483 on

    But yeah, the Gaza goon activists should totally protest vote and let him win again! That would be so beneficial to Palestine since “both parties are the same” /eyeroll

  18. captainalphabet on

    DAE read that Annie Jacobsen book on nuclear war? Because how this plays out is that like half the global population dies in about 45 minutes.

  19. I cant believe this cunt is the presidential candidate for a major political party in this country. Ever wondered how Rome fell? Well your looking at it.

  20. themightyknight02 on


    He’ll kill us all.

  21. MrZombieTheIV on

    Ah yes. Let’s listen to the man with ZERO military experience.

  22. For fucks sake. This fucking lunatic is such a danger to the world. The man is pure evil.

  23. toosinbeymen on

    Ah, but his followers think he’s a peace president. Delusional.

  24. PhatAiryCoque on

    So leave the aftermath to the courts and the lawyers as usual then? Like – I dunno – a “litigate your way out of Armageddon” sorta thing?

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