Video von Jegor Guzenko „Dreizehnter“, ein gläubiger Anhänger von Prigozhin, Muderer, Milblogger, wurde heute in seiner Heimatstadt Stawropol nicht wegen der zahlreichen Verbrechen, die er begangen hatte, sondern wegen ständiger Kritik am Kreml verhaftet. Erst kürzlich schimpfte er über den Munitionsmangel an der Front


  1. LizzyGreene1933 on

    He is in trouble for telling the truth, lack of weapons, food,water, and medicine at the front. I guess now he will be closer to the action to get out of trouble

  2. Ok-Piccolo-1961 on

    Dude !!!!!
    The Kremlin is always right !!!!!
    It only been 2 day since the MSO started

  3. RawerPower on

    And people say Russia is running out of soldiers. There’s like 20 people ready for the front just in this video!

  4. Let the infighting begin.

    Z on Z violence, is the **best** violence.

  5. Murder kill and maim, but don’t speak. The Russia that “ordinary Russians” die to protect. Neat

  6. FluidPraline4968 on

    His video was posted here a few days ago, also, looks like plenty of able bodied russ men milling around avoiding the grinder

  7. Interesting_List_631 on

    Russians on russians, wonderful! When comes the next revolution by the people?

  8. NoBagelNoBagel- on

    The sheep stand by while the “truth” tellers get taken away.

    Thankfully the silencing of folk like this helps to undermine the Kremlin war effort, covering up the lack of munitions support makes it easier to waste Russian lives at the front.

  9. RemarkableRain8459 on

    So he is supporting the war, but if that means to criticize Kremlin you get arrested? – at least consequent. No criticism for anything.

  10. Nicely crafted title to this video. Gave context and brought it up to date. Thanks!

    I wondered if he was going to get arrested for truthing in Russia.

  11. Far-Explanation4621 on

    Damn, this guy had been on the front since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014. He 100% considered himself a Russian patriot, similar to Girkin/Strelkov.

  12. Tatsoot_1966 on

    And this is their idea of extremism that will get you sent to the gulag. That country is FUBAR !

  13. WasThatWet on

    The Russian way. A publicly humiliating arrest with plenty of cameras on hand. Next stop the show trial. Then the express railroad to the corrective colony. Russkiy Mir!

  14. ProfessorxVile on

    Wasn’t there a recent story about how Russia wants to send 200k people from remand centers (so they’re not even convicted criminals yet) to the front lines? This guy is about to learn more about ammo shortages than he ever imagined. Enjoy, fucker!

  15. Suspicious-Fox- on

    In a facist state anyone telling truth is an enemy of the state.

  16. redditor0918273645 on

    Was he too critical of the SMO or did he not show up to the recruitment office when he was summoned?

  17. Waste-Oil-279 on

    I’ve read through the comments of 10 Russian Bloggers, defending “Thirteenth” arrest.. And there are literally 10 different versions, of reason/reasons for his arrest.. Russians lie so much, it’s impossible to ever get the truth from these f^kers, lol

    “Thirteenth” is a Russian war-hero, according to his own opinion.

  18. ihdieselman on

    Well, I’d say that pretty much sums up that they really are short on ammunition at the front.

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