Trumps Gesicht war bei einem Zusammenstoß blutig. Die Schockwelle von Bullet verursachte den Griff am Ohr. Der Rest ist Betrug. Die Hälfte von uns wird Trump immer glauben, der Rest von uns kann die ganze Geschichte sehen und in dieser Zusammenfassung plausible Antworten erhalten. Die Schießerei war nicht inszeniert, aber er wurde nicht getroffen.


  1. Cool-Protection-4337 on

    The fact that the secret service let him stand there and fist pump and pose for pictures tells us how real any of this was. The only way that happens is them thinking he was secure. If this were a real attempt as soon as they pulled him off the ground he would have been took to the president’s armored limo. Regardless if he wanted to or not. This screams setup. 

  2. It doesn’t really matter and should not be a focus at this time for anyone that is interested in Kamala winning the election. There was an attempt on the life of a Presidential Candidate. That happened. It was wrong. It doesn’t impact any of the reasons why voting for Trump is a terrible mistake. I am glad he was not killed. I couldn’t care less if he was or not scratched or grazed. It just doesn’t matter.

  3. Stage 1: Believe everything Trump says. We are at the 2nd stage of Trump denialism: It doesn’t matter!


    Ever rubbed up against a vehicle with a holstered hip weapon? It scratches deep.
    DUMPTY lies.
    He loses.
    He whines.

  5. Everything about Trump is a lie! He is simply incapable of telling the truth. He is a pathological narcissist with a transactional personality.

    People have been arguing about the hundreds of lies that Trump constantly tells and right wing media outlets propagate.

    His latest lie is the most despicable and the easiest of all to prove that he’s just a liar and cannot be trusted.

    He is claiming that our government is refusing to help states that were impacted by the hurricane with Republican Governors. He continues this farce despite all of the Governor’s refuting his claims.

    This is indicative of everything about Trump. He’s just a conman, a used car salesman an asshole willing and able to take advantage of the American people.

    The fact that he reacted as if he had been shot, when he had not been, is just another example of how dishonest and disgraceful a person he truly is.

    The question therefore becomes why did he react like this and pretend he had been shot? The possibility that this was a setup all along, now has evidence to support this theory.

    The man is depraved enough to have people actually killed in order to gain a sympathy vote.

  6. EffortEconomy on

    I don’t know why I find it funny that I keep forgetting that this happened

  7. GaiusMarcus on

    I’d like the believers in a “just and merciful God” to explain why #Rambleforeskin is still alive and Corey Comperatorre is not.

  8. Salt-Environment9285 on

    he would have been releasing the medical records. pictures of all stages of his ear’s recovery. today’s rally back there should be interesting.

  9. I remember his doctor reporting that he had a 2cm wound where he was shot. Trump was completely healed 9 days later. You haven’t heard of XMen Wolverine level regeneration have you?

  10. Scary-Squirrell on

    Does it really matter if the bullet hit him or not? What does that change? Do you really think the secret service and FBI are in on it? The secret service would lie for Trump to make themselves look even worse?

  11. Intelligent-Salt-362 on

    It definitely looked like they added the blood when he went down.

  12. Remote-Republic7569 on

    He’s using the event to try and inflate his mythos (and ego) and unfortunately too many people are too focused on whether or not he was actually hit by the bullet or not. He was fucking shot at. That’s the bottom line. By a GOP supporting maniac. They encourage a form of thoughtless action in calls to violence in their own ranks. They may honestly believe the mass of supporters are un-thinking zombies but the truth is all of those individuals have their own egos their own goals some of their ideas strongly aligning with the GOPs constant rhetoric of the nation crumbling due to deviant behaviours. Meanwhile the Left is accused by the right of being the violent extremists. It’s insane. The proof that the opposite is true keeps rearing its ugly head. Vote against the insanity cult that is the GOP. 

  13. Aware-Grass8039 on

    Oh please, I saw the movie that the idea came from. Agatha Christie’s A Murder is Announced. I would say someone read the book but I don’t believe anyone on his team can read.

  14. -medicalthrowaway- on

    How can anyone even confidently say that it wasn’t staged at this point?

    Shots were fired, someone died, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility that it was staged.

  15. Forestsounds89 on

    This is a dumb mute point everyone here is wasting there life on a mute point

  16. Exactly. There was an assassination attempt.
    Trump was not struck by a bullet, nor was he grazed by it. Now today in true Trumpian/MAGA fashion Trump will take to the stage in Carnival like atmosphere and recreate the moment the shots were fired, there will be music and dancing. The Democrats will be accused of being behind the assassination attempt…and on and on it goes. The Trump reality TV shit show continues on.🙄

  17. JavierBorden on

    We really don’t know what happened because it was never disclosed to us via authoritative sources, like a medical report on Trump’s injury or a forensic report on what actually took place during the shooting. All we saw was Trump going around for a couple of days with that ridiculous bandage on his ear and then it was off again with no visible damage. Plus we all know Trump lies constantly about everything.

  18. EarthPure9723 on

    Quit paying ANY attention to this dope.
    He is a proven LOSER. He’ll NEVER get elected to anything again. Time to move past this international embarrassment.

  19. Building_Firm on

    He could always solve this question by releasing his medical records.

  20. Icy-Needleworker-492 on

    Wonder what the doctors who saw him in the emergency had to say.Probably restricted from telling .Did he really even go to an ER?

  21. Roadwandered on

    When he pulled his hand away from his ear after “getting shot” there’s no blood… from what I could see when I slowed down the video.

  22. Abracadaver2000 on

    I saw a video where the SS agent who rushed to him scraped the side of his head with his holster, causing this damage. It was very convincing, and I can’t seem to find it now, even though I first saw it here on Reddit.

  23. blastermastersonic on

    It always was weird to me that he “only wanted to tell the Story once” now it makes sense. He didn’t want to condratict himself. Hilarious that he ran around with that ear Bandage for a weak

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