1. barrystrawbridgess on

    Not surprising. This show was bound to fail. It would never be able to live up to the original. The people behind it didn’t understand what made the original so great. Plus in this day and age, shows like this are “consumables”. You watch and throw it away to watch something else. The acting from some of the cast was subpar. The NCIS approach early on wasn’t great. Then there was the overall W factor of the characters, like this show was derived on Google Gemini set on Bias. Earnie Hudson was the only positive.

  2. The fact that Scott Bakula passed on being involved with this was a bit of a red flag that it wasn’t going to be that good.

  3. ThrashingBunny on

    Lots of hate for the show here, but I liked it. It wasn’t amazing, but it was far from trash.
    Second season was better than the first and left me wanting more.

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