Hallo, ich möchte die Heizung eines bestimmten Bereichs ausschalten. Der Heizungsregler funktioniert nicht und daher möchte ich ihn von der Quelle abschalten. Ich sehe, dass sich der Aktuator nach links oder rechts drehen kann. Wird dies zum Ausschalten verwendet oder sollte ich etwas anderes tun? Ich poste es hier, weil ich in Deutschland lebe und nicht sicher bin, ob dieses Heizsystem spezifisch für Deutschland ist.


Von ramb0704


  1. PossibilityTasty on

    This is a rather interesting thing: a wax actuator. It has a small heating element that heats up a wax cylinder and the expansion of the wax creates motion. It is slow in reaction but silents and maintenance free. The label says “Normally Closed” indicating that the valve is closed in the cold state. So, it will be off if not powered. On the other hand after a long time of not using it, the physical valve below might be stuck.

    But before you do anything:

    **WARNING: This is supplied with 230 V.** This voltage can hurt or kill you. It you are not absolutely clear what you are doing ask a professional.

  2. So that pipe is part of the Heizkreisverteiler that also contains the valves and on top sits an actuactor (called Stellantrieb für Fußbodenheizung). If you unscrew the actuator there is a pin underneath that opens or closes the valve in the pipe. You need something that presses that pin into the valve. Usually that actuator should press the pin down when unpowered, so either your regulator in the room is continually giving the signal to heat or the actuator is somehow stuck.
    You could replace the actuator with a cap (Ventilschutzkappe, usually only placed temporarily during construction) or a manual actuator like this: [https://www.heizungsprofi24.de/IMI-Heimeier-Handregulierkappe-fuer-Thermostatventile-2001-00325-512001539](https://www.heizungsprofi24.de/IMI-Heimeier-Handregulierkappe-fuer-Thermostatventile-2001-00325-512001539)

    But if you are renting, this is something that your landlord is required to fix.

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